Second Spanish Republic Diego Riazor

By Knuckle
  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    Republicans and socialist met at San Sebastian to agree to remove the monarchy and establish a demiocratic republican regime. Revolutionary Committee was created to coordinate the opposition.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Alcalá Zamora became the president of the Republic and Azaña became the president of the government. New reforms were introduced:
    - The Statute of Autonomy for Cataluña was approved
    - The military withdraw its support because of the subordination of the army.
    - Jesuits were expelled
    ´ The agrarian reform was established but the government maintained their privileges, taking the land that wasn´t being used.
  • Municipal elections

    Municipal elections
    First free elections were called after Primo de Rivera coup d`etat. In spite of being municipal elections, people understand it as a referendum on the monarchy. Monarchists win but republicans win in large cities. Alfonso XIII understand that he needs the help of urban classes and leaves the country
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    Republic was proclaimed. The Revolutionary Committee became the Provisional Government and society supported the Republic.
  • 1931 Constitution

    1931 Constitution
    PSOE and PRR drafted it and say that was progressive, democratic and left-wing:
    - Democratic and progressive: There was popular sovereignty, a division of powers, a declaration of civil rights and of collective rights.
    - Secularism: Any religion but no in public. Stopped building Catholic orders and teaching it was forbidden.
    - Regionalism; Statutes of Autonomy established.
    - Social economy: Public interest and workers had rights
  • General Sanjuro´s coup (Sanjurjada)

    General Sanjuro´s coup (Sanjurjada)
    It was a coup d´etat led by General Sanjurjo to try to stop the reform but it failed. Later, Republic was proclaimed.
  • Period: to

    The black biennium

    In November of 1933 there were new elections.Women could vote for first time and right wing parties were broken. Catholic right parties became unified as CEDA. The elections were won by CEDA and PRR. Lerroux changed the reforms as he was in charge of the government. Some leaders of PSOE feared Ceda so they called a general strike endind into revolts.
  • Revolt of Casas Viejas

    Revolt of Casas Viejas
    Anarchists labourers occupied Casas Viejas in Cadiz.It was repressed by Azaña´s government, ending with the reformist biennium
  • Revolution of October

    Revolution of October
    There were a series of strikes by communist, anarchists and nationalists organisations that involved some revolutions:
    - The Revolution of Asturias of 1934 was a miners strike that was put down by government in the 19 of October. It resulted as CEDA won the elections and taking advantage of the revolt in Cataluña.
    - The Revolution of Cataluña declared Cataluña as independent ending with the dissolve of the Generalitat and the arrest of his president.
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    In February of 1936, new elections were called and left-wing parties joined to form the Popular Front. They were represented by El Bloque Nacional led by José Calvo Sotelo and by La Falange Española, led by the son of the dictator, José Antonio Primo de Rivera. In 1936, the Popular Front won the elections and Spain was splitted between Right and left.Quiroga was appointed as the head of the government, Mola was transferred to Pamplona and Franco moved to the Canary Islands.
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    There were many tensions between the parties with church arson and assassinations. On 12 of July, Castillo was murdered. To revenge him, His friends killed Calvo Sotelo the 13 of July.Mola was organising a rebellion under the leadership of Sanjurjo, and was supported by Carlists, Fascist Falange... On the 17 of July, rebel soldiers of Morocco seize power in Ceuta, Melilla and Tetuán. A few days later, it started the Spanish Civil War.