Second Spanish Republic

  • Primo de Rivera´s Resignation

    Primo de Rivera´s Resignation
    It is a period in which we go from a monarchy to a republic. After Primo de Rivera's dictatorship ended, Alfonso XIII attempted to return Spain to a monarchy. But being severely damaged, it could not appear and two years later the Second Spanish Republic would be proclaimed.
  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    Republicans and socialists agree to overthrow the monarchy. Create a Revolutionary Committee. Failed their military rising and a general strike.
  • Reformist Biennium

    Reformist Biennium
    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named President of the Republic and introduced several reforms. First, the Autonomy State for Cataluña was confirmed; second, the military withdrew its support for the Republic due to the army's subordination to the government; thirdly, the Jesuits were expelled; and fourth, there were agrarian reforms.
  • Municipal Elections

    Municipal Elections
    The new government put the first election since the Primo de Rivera coup. They were municipal. The monarchs won, but the Republicans won in the big cities and when Alfonso XIII knew that he had to have the support of those big cities and did not have them because they had become republicanism, he left the country.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The Republic is proclaimed. On this same day, the Revolutionary Committee becomes the Republican Provisional Government.
  • General Elections

  • Constitution of 1931

    You have to choose the person in charge of writing in the Constitution. there were two winning parties: the PRR and the PSOE. On the Democratic side, they wanted there to be popular sovereignty in which women had the right to vote there was a division of powers; civil rights and collective rights were declared. They established autonomies. On the social-economic side, they declared the state as the Democratic Republic: the state could take property from its owners.
  • End of Reformist Biennium

  • The Black Biennium

    The Black Biennium
    Elections were held in 1933. Women voted for the first time. CEDA (a right-wing coalition) won the elections alongside the PRR (previously, anarchists encouraged people not to vote for CEDA as being right-wing Catholic people). Francisco Largo Caballero thought that CEDA would be a party with fascist ideas and made a general strike that ended in revolution.
  • Revolution of October

    Revolution of October
    There was a general strike produced by anarchists, communists, and nationalists in which Catalonia declared itself independent (the Generalitat disappeared and the president was arrested) and in Asturias, the miners organized an army, there was a corrupt scandal. It was all chaos.
  • End of Black Biennium

  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    There were new elections. The left united on the popular front (socialists, communists, and republicans). They defended amnesty for political prisoners. Support for the right-wing grew more and more. There was the National Block, led by Calvo Sotelo. And the Spanish Falange founded by Primo de Rivera's son, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, began to grow. But the Popular Front won the elections with 60%. But in the number of votes, both sides were very equal. Azaña became the President.
  • The Start of Civil War

    There were many fights in the streets and there were many murders. Lieutenant Castillo, a member of the socialist side, was assassinated. In revenge, Calvo Sotelo was murdered the next day. Therefore, there was a military coup. Emilio Mola, the general, organized the rebellion. They were made up of Carlistas and the Spanish Falange. In July the war started.