Second New Deals

  • Social Security Act (Relief)

    It made Social Security to be a thing and it helped with insurance for the unemployed. It was successful and lead to things like the Aid for Dependent Children Program.
  • Works Progress Administration (Relief)

    It was an organization that helped people get jobs and improve public services. They even took people with odd talents like music writers and gave them jobs.
  • National Labor Relation (Recovery)

    Also known as the Wagner Act, it allowed private employees to go on strike, do collective bargaining, and ect. This was to change who had power when bargaining and even the playing field.
  • Public Utility Holding Company (Reform)

    It was something specifically designed to break up holding companies. This was to prevent monopolies; really big businesses to have too much power.
  • Rural Electrification Act (Relief)

    This was passed to allow electricity to be in rural areas, it allowed the funding for electric companies to be formed and give people electricity. Before this places like farms couldn't have electricity.