
Second industrial revolution and imperialism

  • Opening up China

    Opening up China
    Division of a country into different areas of influence for various powers, they were practically a shared protectorate. This situation occurred in areas with a good level of previous development, in which great nationalist difficulties were foreseen for their direct domination and in which the strategic and economic interests of different powers converged, which could provoke a war between them. This was the case in China.
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    Second opium war

    The Second Opium War, also known as the Second Anglo-Chinese War, the Second China War, the Arrow War, or the Anglo-French expedition to China. Was a war pitting the British Empire and the French Empire against the Qing dynasty of China that lasted from 1856 to 1860.
  • Livingstone's expedition

    Livingstone's expedition
    In March 1858, after fifteen months in Britain, Livingstone sailed for Africa. While at home, he had tirelessly emphasized the commercial possibilities of the continent and the potential of "legitimate trade" to combat slavery.
  • Discovery of the source of the Nile

    Discovery of the source of the Nile
    The Royal Geographical Society sent Speke back to Africa to corroborate his claims about the Nile. The expedition left the coast in September 1860 but there were difficulties because his two interpreters quarreled, complicating negotiations with the local rulers over whose territories the expedition was to pass and with the Arab merchants from whom he needed supplies.
  • Modernisation of Japan. Canadian Confederation

    Modernisation of Japan. Canadian Confederation
    The modernization of Japan was "a revolution from above" promoted by the Japanese nobility itself, whose keys were the restoration of imperial power and the disappearance of the shogunate exercised by the Tokugawa family since 1603.
    Canadian Confederation it was the process through which the federal domain of Canada was formed from July 1, 1867 from the provinces, colonies and territories of British North America.
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

    Opening of the Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean and the Red seas, is inaugurated in an elaborate ceremony attended by French Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III.
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    Industrial dynamo

  • Stanley's expedition (Central Africa)

    Stanley's expedition (Central Africa)
    Stanley was a British nationalized American explorer and journalist, famous for his expeditions to the then mysterious Central Africa, in one of which he found the missing David Livingstone. He was one of the main collaborators of King Leopold II of Belgium in the atrocities committed in the exploitation of the Congo Free State.
  • Telephone

  • Victoria, Empress of India

    Victoria, Empress of India
    En 1877, Benjamin Disraeli, primer ministro conservador, proclamó a la reina Victoria como emperatriz de la India. India ya estaba bajo el control de la corona después de 1858, pero este título fue un gesto para vincular aún más a la monarquía con el imperio y unir más a India con Gran Bretaña.
  • Height of European emigrations. Aglo-Boar Wars

    Height of European emigrations. Aglo-Boar Wars
    The Boer War, Anglo-Boer War or South African War, was a conflict fought between the British Empire and the two Boer Republics over the Empire's influence in southern Africa. Prompted by the discovery of diamond and gold deposits in the Boer republics, the Boers successfully launched attacks on British outposts in the opening stages of the war before being repulsed by Imperial reinforcements.
  • Berlin conference

    Berlin conference
    Known as the Berlin Conference, they sought to discuss the partition of Africa by establishing rules to amicably divide resources among Western countries at the expense of the African people.
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    Positive-ignition engines

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  • American annexation

    American annexation
    The Treaty of Paris of 1898 signed on December 10, 1898 in the United States and by which Spain abandoned its demands on Cuba, which declared its independence. The Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico were officially delivered to the United States for $ 20 million.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion, the Boxer Uprising, the Boxer Rebellion, or the Yihetuan Movement was an anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising in China toward the end of the Qing dynasty by the United Militia. In Righteousness known as the Boxers in English because many of its members had practiced Chinese martial arts, which at the time were known as Chinese boxing.
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  • Russo-Japanese War over Manchuria

    Russo-Japanese War over Manchuria
    The Russo-Japanese War was fought between the Empire of Japan and Empire Russia over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and the Korean Empire. The main theaters of military operations were located in the Liaodong and Mukden Peninsula in southern Manchuria, and the seas around Korea, Japan, and the Yellow Sea.
  • Opening of the Panama canal

    Opening of the Panama canal
    August 15th marks the anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal, a tremendous engineering endeavor that has played a major role in trade and commerce over its hundred years. The canal was a feat of endurance, as well as engineering, connecting two oceans in a way that made shipping and commerce faster and more economical.