Second Industrial Revolution and Imperialism.

  • first time steam engine was used to propel a ship

    Regarding ships, the first time the steam engine was used to propel a boat was in 1786, when the American inventor John Fitch launched a small steamboat on the Delaware River. This early design was perfected and another ship was able to sail at speeds greater than 10 kilometers per hour in 1788. It was Robert Fulton who built his first circular-bladed ship (1807).
  • War Between Mexico and the United States

    This war was between Meixco and the US over territories and Independence. The Americans belived in Manifest Destiny, which started all of this. The war lasted from 1846-1848, and Mexico was defeated and also lost at least 1/3 of its original territory.
  • Means of transportation.

    Until 1850 only Great Britain and Belgium had a significant railway network. As of this date, the railway displaces the other means of land transport and became a leading economic sector, which carried out a true revolution in transport and commerce, created a basic economic infrastructure for any activity
  • The beginning of the “Meiji Era”

    In this period also arises a great industrial power in Asia: Japan. The beginning of the "Meiji Era" in 1868, marked the westernization and industrialization of the country. The latter was based on the state drive and high productivity rates thanks to the Japanese mentality of work.
  • political factors

    The year 1870 meant a radical turn in the history of European and world balances, with the birth of Germany as a great European power, its rivalry with France and the distrust of the other European powers.
  • The Telephone and Radio

    They were invented by Alexander Graham (telephone) in 1876 and in 1901 the radio. They were great replations of the telegraph because they were great ways for communication across the world.
  • imperial expansion

    The expansion was very rapid, both in Africa, a continent that was divided among the powers in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, and in Asia-Oceania, where by the end of the 19th century the domain zones of each power had been configured.
  • Berlin conference

    There were contant wars fors new territories.
  • Lumiere

    The lumiered brothers invented to the cinema
  • titanic