Seattle history timeline

By phat
  • Duwamish and Suquamish tribes

    Duwamish and Suquamish tribes
    the two tribes is Duwamish and Suquamish were from the tribe in Seattle Washington.
  • November 13, 1851 Denny party's

    November 13, 1851 Denny party's
    when Denny Arthur was making those event for his arrival of the Denny Party.
  • Battle Of Seattle

    Battle Of Seattle
    when Seattle was attacking by native america.
  • University of Washington

    University of Washington
    University of Washington a college place when they built on 1861 from the founder 1851.
  • Seattle's first incorporation

    Seattle's first incorporation
    Seattle who were doing their first incorporation for their response activity.
  • First Catholic Church

    First Catholic Church
    when they first made of the church that they build for the first time on Seattle.
  • First street, ferry, cable car

    First street, ferry, cable car
    when they first built the first time for street, ferry, and cable car.
  • Great Fire

    Great Fire
    when they first start the fire the building was burning, but the place was made of wood and it burning the other building as well.
  • Klondike gold rush

    Klondike gold rush
    what they doing is they just travel far away it was hard for them they try getting the gold but they travel with their supplies to the winter mountain it was way cold and they didn't get enough sleep.
  • Seattle Lumber Industries

    Seattle Lumber Industries
    the lumber were doing is chopping the tree down and they might able to chop the bigger one too.
  • Seattle created a plan to develop the city

    Seattle created a plan to develop the city
    so on 1910 Seattle were planning to develop the city for urban village strategy because they want to make a perfect job.
  • Interstate Highways I-5 and I-90 were built(after world war 1)

    Interstate Highways I-5 and I-90 were built(after world war 1)
    it a sign that they created a I-5 it might be found on highway.
  • World's Fair (Monorail,Seattle Center, Pacific Science Center and Space Needle)

    World's Fair (Monorail,Seattle Center, Pacific Science Center and Space Needle)
    a place for world's fair of Seattle.
  • Metro came into existence

    Metro came into existence
    when Metro was existence from Seattle it a train with using electricity.
  • Pike Place Market was established.It brings in 9 million visitors a year

    Pike Place Market was established.It brings in 9 million visitors a year
    from Pike Place Market was bring 9 million visitors a year that many people when to the market buying supplies.
  • Starbucks originated in Seattle

    Starbucks originated in Seattle
    when Starbucks was created from the founder Gordon Bowker,Jerry Baldwin,and Zev Siegl.
  • Microsoft was the world's most profitable company

    Microsoft was the world's most profitable company
    when Microsoft who create this to making the most successful and profitable from the internet.
  • Experience Music Project

    Experience Music Project
    a place from Seattle a building look colorful and shining.
  • Seahawk Stadium

    Seahawk Stadium
    so Seahawk stadium was first built it, after they finish the building they making a Seahawk football team.
  • May day Marches

    May day Marches
    when the protester doing that day they were doing thing is smashing window, and pushing the riot police sometime police might got hurt.