Sears timeline

By eb49389
  • The Beginning of Sears

    This was when Richard Sears sent out his first watch through mail order
  • Expansion

    Sears went from a catalog that only sells jewlery to a 532 page catalog that sells a lot more that jewlery
  • First Brick and Morter Store

    This was the day Sears opened their first store, previously they did all their sales by mail and they thought rural communities were their consumers
  • Period: to

    Sears booming

    In the 1920's Sears was opening a new store every other buisness day
  • Sears Starting to Sell Less

    Around 2008 was when Sears started to loose sales to online shopping and is no longer one of the biggest department stores in America
  • Sears Today

    Now, because of online shopping, Sears has more stores closing than ever before. They are on the brink of bankrupcy and cannot stay much longer