Period: to
one second
How the Internet Works
By:Tommie Nobles
Laura Flores -
you use your search engine to search something -
computer requests website server for the website
computer sticks request in virtual "packet"
the packet is wrapped in code and includes the IP address for the server -
computer sends packet
copper wires
regional netwokrs
optical fibers
light -
computer send packet to internet hub
a very large internet hub is in Detroit,Michigan. It averages a 6 mgb. thorughput. -
the internet hub sends packet
regionl networks -
the server wants to send it but...
the website it is trying to send is too large so it breaks it down into many tiny bits of information that are placed in a packet that is wrapped in code with your IP address. The packets will travel many differnet routes to get to your computer fast -
the server recieves the packet
the server of the website you searched for recieves the packet that your computer sent -
the packets travel through many checkpoints on the way ot your house
the packets are sent to a large internet hub
the packets are sent to you
copper wires
regional networks
optical fibers
light -
the website is now loading on you computer
all of this happens in one second