Archie and FTP Servers
There was no World Wide Web, rather there were large numbers of files spread across a network using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Archie was used to search filenames of FTP servers so that you can download a file. -
Gopher servers and World Wide Web Wanderer (WWWW)
Gopher servers containing text based documents were was created. Veronica and Jughead provided similar features as that of Archie to search filenames of Gopher. During this year, the World Wide Web Wanderer was released to the public and was created by Mathew Gray. This product contained a robot that systematically examined and captured URLs from the web. -
Galaxy and WebCrawler's
Galaxy, a web directory, was created to solve the problem of spider - based search engines. They lacked the intelligence to understand wha they were looking for.
During that same year, WebCrawler's engine was not only able to index the URLs and titles but the entire text of each page or document. -
AltaVista had the ability to process natural language queries and it was also the first search engine to use advanced search techniques using Boolean operators e.g. AND, OR, NOT etc. -
Period: to
Google was created and became popular due to ranking pages based on the number of blacklinks. A blacklink is a hyperlink on another page to the page being ranked. The domain google.com was registered in 1997 and the company Google.Inc was created on September 4th, 1998.