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Sean's World War 2 Timeline

  • Hitler Starts Rebuilding Army

    Hitler Starts Rebuilding Army
    Hitler makes the descition to rebuild the Greman air force and other military fields. Though this goes againts the Treaty of Versailles, the allied countries allow it because Hitler clames the rebuilding is purely "defensive" (which it isn't).
  • Period: to

    Escalating Violence

  • Gemany Invades Austria

    Gemany Invades Austria
    Hitler is enraged by the Austrian leader. The Austrian leader was insulted because Hitler wanted Austria to be a part of "Greater Germany". The Austrian leader refused to cooperate with Hitler, so Hitler wouldn't have to deal with them he invaded Austria.
  • Hitler Gains Austria and Sudetenland

    Hitler Gains Austria and Sudetenland
    After Austria falls Hitler turns his attention to a part of west Czechoslovakia named Sudetenland. After much debating between Italy, France, Germany, and Britain (notice Czechoslovakia is not a part of this) the countries agree to give Hitler Sudetenland if he does not request anhy more territories.
  • Hitler Makes Claims Against Other Nations on the Mistreating of Jews

    Many other countries start critisizing Hitler of mistreating Jews. Hitler claims that these countries critisizing are hipocrites and they are also mistreating Jews. Hiler is of coarse lying because if you look back in history, no one has mistreated Jews, or any other race as much as Hitler and the Nazis did.
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    Targeting Poland

    On August 31st Hitler declares war on Poland. No one is excited and no one is enthused. Some people are devestated because of the most resond war and how terrible that was. In the days following the declaration of war, Germans started attacking Polland. They heavily bombed major cities and destroyed Jewish streets and homes. This is just the start of the devestation.
  • Heinrich Himmler Plotted the Future of Polish CHildren

    "For the non-German population of the East, there must be no higher school than the fourth grade of elementzry school. The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans."
  • France Falls to Germany

    France finally falls to Germany. They now do anything Germany wants them to do. The falling of France also hurt Great Britian because they have to fight alone. Germany also controlls all of Western Europe (except Britain).
  • Hitler Inades Russia

    Hitler Inades Russia
    Hitler invades Russia. He did this to destroy the "Jewish-Bolshevik menace". The invasion of Russia was not very smart though because by the time he even got to Russia it was winter and this hurt his troops.
  • USA Declares War on Japan

    In 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. This is when the Japanese crossed the line in the view of the USA. They had to do something so they declared war.