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Scottsboro Boys trails

  • Accused

    A fight breaks out between white and black young men who are on a train as homlessmen. The fight was broken up by a angry posse and the police in a city named Paint Rock.The 9 black young men were arrested for assualt includeing rape of two young white women Victoria Price and Ruby Bates.
  • Period: to

    The Scottsbror Boys

    The beggining to the end of the scottsboro boys.
  • Death sentences

    Clarence Norris and Charlie Weems are sentenced to death.
  • Death sentences

    Haywood Patterson is tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.
  • Death sentences

    Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright are tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Roy Wright a 13 year old boy is also convicted to either inprisonment for life or death.
  • Withdraw

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People withdraw from the case
  • Help

    The scottsboror boys ask Samuel Leibowitz to help them on the case, even though he knows the inability to pay him he accepts.
  • Surprise

    Ruby Bates testifyes that no rape has occured, Victoria and Ruby both admited there were no rape to occure on the train.
  • Blackmail

    Nashville police arrested two lawyers that tried to bribe Victoria Price with 1,500$ . The lawyers where never trialed.
  • Escape artist

    While being transported back to Birmingham Jail, Ozie Powell pulls a knife and slashes Deputy Edgar Blalock's throat. Sheriff Jay Sandlin stops the car and shoots Powell in the head. Both Blalock and Powell survive.
  • The first of the boys

    Thomas Knight dies.
  • Death

    The trial of Andy Wright ends in conviction and a sentence of 99 years.
  • Releace

    Andy Wright and Clarence Norris are released on parole.
  • Not that innocent

    Patterson is charged with murder after a barroom brawl.
  • Absense

    Victoria Price files a lawsuit against NBC for defamation and invasion of privacy after the broadcast of Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys; her claim is dismissed.
  • The End

    Clarence Norris, the last of the Scottsboro Boys, dies.