Scottsboro Boys Project

  • Scottsboro Boys Charged

    Scottsboro Boys Charged
    March 25, 1931 Scottsboro Boys are arrested on charges of assault. Rape charges are added against all nine boys after accusations are made by Victoria Price and Ruby Bates. I got this picture from
  • Scottsboro Boys almost Lynched

    Scottsboro Boys almost Lynched
    March 26, 1931 Scottsboro Boys are nearly lynched by a crowd of over 100 people
  • 8 Boys are sentenced to Death

    8 Boys are sentenced to Death
    Clarence Norris, Charlie Weems, Haywood Patterson, Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright are tried and convicted, and sentenced to death. The trial of Roy Wright ends in a mistrial when some jurors hold out for a death sentence even though the prosecution asked for life imprisonment.
  • 1st Boy is Executed

    1st Boy is Executed
    On the date first set for their executions, the Scottsboro boys listen to the execution of Willie Stokes, the first of ten blacks to be executed at the prison over the next ten years. After hearing gruesome reports of the execution, many of the boys report nightmares or sleepless nights.
  • Ruby Bates denies she was raped

    Ruby Bates denies she was raped
    Ruby Bates, in a letter to a Earl Streetman, denies that she was raped. I got this image from
  • Hayword Patterson's 2nd Trial

    Hayword Patterson's 2nd Trial
    Hayword Patterson is found guilty for the second time and is sentenced to death by the electric chair. I got this image from
  • Supreme Court Steps In

    Supreme Court Steps In
    The Supreme Court Decides to review the Scotssboro Boys case.
  • Thousands march in Washington

    Thousands march in Washington
    Thousands march in Washington regarding the Alabama Trials
  • Fourth Trial for Patterson

    Fourth Trial for Patterson
    Hayword Patterson is accused a Fourth time of rape and is sentenced for 75 years in prison
  • Ozzie Powell shot

    Ozzie Powell shot
    Ozzie Powell is shot in the head by Sheriff Jay Sandlin while attacking Deputy Sheriff Edgar Blalock. I got this image from
  • 4 More boys are Convicted

    Clarence Norris is convicted of rape and sentenced to death. Andy Wright is convicted and sentenced to 99 years for rape. Charlie Weems is convicted and sentenced to 75 years. Ozzie Powell pleads guilty to assaulting the sheriff and is sentenced to 20 years.
  • 4 Boys are released

    4 Boys are released
    Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson were released after all charges were dropped against them.
  • Patterson escapes prison

    Patterson escapes prison
    Haywood Patterson escapes from prison. Later is arrested by the FBI but Michigan Governer refuses extradition to Alabama.
  • Patterson convicted of manslaughter

    Patterson convicted of manslaughter
    Patterson is involved in a barroom fight resulting in the death of another man. Haywood is charged with murder. He is later sentenced to 6-15 years in prison but he dies of cancer less than a year later.
  • Angry at NBC

    Angry at NBC
    Victoria Price's suit against NBC for its movie "Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys," which she claimed defamed her and invaded her privacy, is dismissed. Price dies five years later.
  • Last Scottsboro Boy Dies

    Last Scottsboro Boy Dies
    Clarence Norris, the last surviving Scottsboro boy, dies at age 76. I got this image from