Scottoboro title

Scottsboro Boys Case

  • Period: to

    A Controversial Case

    The Scottsboro Boys case was extremely controversial, and debates went on for years about what actually happened.
  • Crime Occurs in Alabama

    Crime Occurs in Alabama
    The Scottsboro boys (9 young African-American males) are accused of raping two white women named Victoria Price and Ruby Bates in Alabama.
  • NAACP and ILD Get Involved

    NAACP and ILD Get Involved
    The NAACP and ILD battle for the right to represent the Scottsboro boys, but the NAACP withdraws from the case just half a year later. Meanwhile, the ILD chooses Samuel S. Leibowitz, a New York lawyer, to defend the Scottsboro boys.
  • Trial Begins; A Discriminatory Decision Takes Place

    Trial Begins; A Discriminatory Decision Takes Place
    Clarence Norris, Charlie Weems, Haywood Patterson, Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright are tried and convicted, and sentenced to death. The trial of Roy Wright ends in a mistrial when some jurors hold out for a death sentence even though the prosecution asked for life imprisonment.
  • Ruby Bates Lies!

    Ruby Bates Lies!
    Just about a year earlier, Ruby said that she was raped by the Scottsboro boys. Now, she denies that she was raped in a letter to Earl Streetman.
  • Alabama Supreme Court

    Alabama Supreme Court
    The Scottsboro Case is taken to the Alabama Supreme Court, and by a vote of 6-1, the Scottsboro boys are convicted of rape.
  • The Case Works Its Way up

    The Case Works Its Way up
    The Supreme Court, by a vote of 7-2, reverses the convictions of the Scottsboro boys . It was reversed because Alabama failed to provide enough evidence.
  • Haywood Patterson's Struggle

    Haywood Patterson's Struggle
    Hawood's second trial begins on this day, he is found guilty, and sentenced to death by the electric chair. Later in June, the judge pardons his conviction, and lets him have a new trial. This happens 2 more times, untill he is finally sentenced 75 years in prison. Fastforwarding to 1948, he escapes from prison, but is involved in manslaughter just a few years later (sentenced to 6-15 years in prison). Haywood dies of cancer just a year later.
  • Tensions Arise

    Tensions Arise
    The Judge postpones the trial of the other Scottsboro boys because of high local tensions, and many protests take pl,ace juist weeks later.
  • A New Judge Steps Up

    A New Judge Steps Up
    The Scottsboro cases are removed from Judge Horton's control and taken to Judge William Callahan's court.
  • Dishonest Lawyers

    Dishonest Lawyers
    Two lawyers are charged with attempting to bribe Victoria Price so that she would change her testimony in court.
  • More Help for the Scottsboro boys

    More Help for the Scottsboro boys
    The Scottsboro Defense Committee is organized.
  • Negotiation

    The prosecuting attorney, Thomas Knight, and defense attorny, Samuel Leibowitz, meet in New York to discuss a compromise. Unfortunately, they aren't able to reach an agreement.
  • Life Mildly Improves for the Scottsboro Boys

    Life Mildly Improves for the Scottsboro Boys
    On this date, Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson were released after all charges were dropped against them. Just a year later, the Alabama Supreme Court upholds the death sentence for Clarence Norris, and his punishment is reduced to life in prison by the Governor.
  • Governor Takes Action

    Governor Takes Action
    Here, Governor Graves changes Chance Norris' punishment from a death sentence, to life in prison. A few moths later, he interviews the Scottsboro boys, and during November, he denies all pardon applicstions.
  • Alabama Pardon Board

    Alabama Pardon Board
    Resources For TimelineThe Alabama Pardon Board refuses to pardon Haywood Patterson and Ozie Powell, and denies the pardon applications of Norris, Weems, and Roy Wright just a couple months later.