The Begging
Nine teenage boys are arrested and charged with rape of two white girls; Victoria Price and Ruby Bates The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology https://www.google.com/search?q=the+scottsboro+boys&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=upoqVMLVJ4LbsASZr4CIDg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=775#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=9xFgjupgYK4cUM%253A%3BseRYWM4yH4Y5CM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Flive.drjays.com%252Fwp-content%252Fupl -
Period: to
The Scottsboro Boys
The First
The trials began. Judge of the trials is Judge A. E. Hawkins Last Of Surviving Scottsboro Boys Clarence ‘Willie’ Norris Given Full Pardon On This Day In 1976 The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
Sentenecing Starts
8 of the 9 boys are Sentenced to death. The one that is not sentenced is Roy White. His trial was mistried
Scottsboro Trials
The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
Executions are pending in Alabama Supreme Court The First Scottsboro Trials The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
A letter Ruby Bates sent to her boyfriend, Earl Streetman reveals that she was not really raped Ruby Bates, 1915 - 1976 -
U.S. Supreme court is going to review all of the cases The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology THE TRIALS OF "THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS" -
One Trial
Haywood Patterson is found guilty and is sentenced to the electeric chair Haywood Patterson, 1913 - 1952 The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
The trials are held because of high tensions The Scottsboro Boys, Roy Wright & Juvenile Life Without Parole
The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
Start Over
New Judge Hortan sets aside Haywoods conviction and grants new case More work ahead in Alabama for Scottsboro Boys' pardons The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology -
Haywood Patterson and clarnce Norris tried for rape and sentenced to death. SCOTTSBORO TRIAL
American Expreience -
Two lawyers are charged for trying to bribe Victoria Price to chage her testimony
American Experience -
Last time
Haywood Patterson is convictied for the 4th time for rape. He is sentenced to 75 years in Prison The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology The Scottsboro Boys -
The Sentencing
Clanrnce Norris is convicted of rape and is sentenced to death. Charile Weems 75 years prison. Andy White 99 years Prison. Ozzie Powell pleads guilty to assulting the sheriff and get 20 years. The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology
American Experience -
Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and William Roberson were all realsed because of droped charges
The Scottsboro Boys Trials: A Chronology Judge Freed Haywood Patterson