
Scottsboro Boys

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    On This Day Nine African American American Were Visiting Memphis Tennesee Looking for Labor .
  • Period: to

    Scottsburo Boys Trial

  • Event 2

    Event 2
    The nine African American Tennagers broke in a fight because they were accused of raping two white women & was beat badly by many .
  • Event 4 ( April - December 1931 )

    Event 4 ( April - December 1931 )
    The NAACP & ILD work together to try to fight for the right to defend the scottsboro boys .
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    The Trial of the nine scottboro boys begins . ( Judge A.E Hawins ) .
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    The NAACP leaves the cause . . . but then Ruby Bates writes a letter to Mr. Streetman Denying that she was ever raped by the scottsboro boys .
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    The Court Annonces that they will review the scottsbor case .
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    On a vote 7-2 the court reversess the boys in Powell v.s. Alambama ( A US court decsion where the defendent must be given a lawyer ) . But alabama did not follow the P.v. A did not acquintance the scottsboro boys as in the 14th admenent .
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    One Of The nine scottsboro boys was found guilty ( Haywood Patterson ) & was sentenced to death by Eletric Chair
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    Thoundands of People went on a march for justice in the Alabam Trials .
  • Event 10

    Event 10
    Judge Horton Then releases The Eletric Chair consequence& Start a new trial .
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    The 1931 Scottsboro Case is tooken out of the hands of Judge Horton & The Two lawyers were charged w/ ateempting to bribr Victoria Price ( One of the vicumis of "Rape" ) into changing her testimony .
  • Event 12

    Event 12
    The Scottsboro Defense group is organized .
  • Event 13

    Event 13
    Governor Graves Interview The Scottsboro Boys .
  • Event 14

    Event 14
    Patterson is convicted on Manslaughter & sentenced to 6-15 years . A month Later he dies of Cancer .
  • Event 15

    Event 15
    Clearance Norris , The last living of the nine scottsboro boys dies at 76 .
  • Last Event

    Last Event
    Alabama Govenor SIgns The Legislation officaly ( pardoning & wrodng doing all nine of Scottsbor Boys