Scottsboro boys

Scottsboro Boys

By phodex5
  • The Frieght Train

    The Frieght Train
    On March 25 the Scottsboro Boys went on a frieght train ride to find a better life. They have been accused of raping 21 year old Victoria Price and 17 year old Ruby Bates. SMITH, DINITIA. "Scottsboro 70 Years Later, Still Notorious, Still Painful - New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., 29 Mar. 2001. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.
  • Ruby Bates

    Ruby Bates
    She had denied being raped. She was a minor that went across the border.
  • They got a Lawyer

    They got a Lawyer
    In January the Scottsboro boys got a lawyer named Samuel Leibowitz who didn't even get paid for it. He believed that the boys were innocent .
  • New Trial

    New Trial
    Judge Horton was fair enough to give a new trial while putting aside Haywood Patterson's view on things.
  • Trialed for Rape

    Haywood Patterson and Clarence Norris had trialed for rape. The court had senteced the two to death. They didn't see them rape them but they because of their color they are goin to be killed.
  • Bribing Victoria Price

    Bribing Victoria Price
    the I.L.D. had tried to bribe Victoria to make her spill the truth with $1500.
  • Scottsboro Defense Commitee

    Scottsboro Defense Commitee
    The Scottsboro Boys Defense Commitee have been made at around this time. It was a way to get to people that the Scottsboro Boys were innocent.
  • Patterson's going to jail

    Patterson's going to jail
    They had found Haywood Patterson to be guilty. He went to jail for 75 years.
  • Ozie Powell

    Ozie Powell
    He had tried to kill Deputy Edgar Blalock with a knife while he was being transported tothe Birmingham Jail.
  • Thomas Knight, the Attorney

    Thomas Knight, the Attorney
    He was the attorney for the Scottsboro Boys. He had went and met with a criminal attorney Samuel Leibowitz in New York to get a compromise.
  • Andy Wright

    Andy Wright
    The youngest in the Scottsboro Boys Andy Wright has been sentenced to jail for 99 years for 'rape'.
  • Denial of Parole

    In Alabama a parole board said they should deny the parole for Haywood Patterson and Ozie Powell. Next month they do the same for Clarence Norris, Charles Weems, and Andy Wright.
  • Period: to


    Charles Weems, Andy Wright, Clarence Norris, and Ozie Powell had finally been released on parole.
  • Haywood Patterson died of Cancer

    Haywood Patterson died of Cancer
    Two years before he died he had been associated with a barroom mruder and they thought he had done it but he says it was only self- defense but they still believe he is guilty. So he had went back to prison for murder. He had died of cancer but no one knows the exact date of his death.
  • The End of the Scottsboro Boys

    The End of the Scottsboro Boys
    The last of the Scottsboro Boys, Clarence Norris had finally died.