
  • 97

    Romans defeat Caledonians at the battle of Mons Graupius

  • 122

    Romans construct the Hadrian's Wall.

  • 300

    The term Pict is first recorded in describing the federated tribes invaded by Constantius Chlorus.

  • 397

    Traditional date at which Saint Ninian establishes a Christian mission at Whithorn.

  • 470

    Votadini peoples form the kingdom of Gododdin in the region north of the River Tweed.

  • 685

    Pictish King Bruide mac Bili defeats Ecgfrith of Northumbria at the Battle of Dun Nechtain, halting the northern expansion of Northumbria.

  • 697

    Bruide, son of Maelchon, dies.

  • 756

    Óengus mac Fergusa allied with the English of Northumbria attacks the Britons; the English army is destroyed.

  • 802

    Iona burned by Vikings.

  • 1058

    After defeating Mac Bethad and Lulach, Máel Coluim III is proclaimed king.