Scionce stuff

By SaMuElY
  • The Awakening

    The Awakening
    John Dalton first comes up with the Atomic Theory. Saying that atoms exist to make up all things the naked eye see, and much more. He put oxygen combined with one or two volumes of nitric oxide in closed cases over water. Although the Atomic theory was, well, a theory, he led with it until his death in 1844. His model was introduced in 1808, The Ballard Ball Model
  • The First Discovery

    The First Discovery
    In 1897, Joseph John Thomson discovered the electron through means of cathode ray tubes, and he created this model called the Plum Pudding Model.
  • The Continuation

    The Continuation
    Ernest Rutherford in 1911 proved Dalton's theory of atoms existing but with more parts. He used a gold foil and examined the particles roaming ramped in the foil, proving the Atomic Theory. He made this model in 1911 / The Nuclear Model
  • The Atom

    The Atom
    Niels Bohr Viewed an atom clearly on the hydrogen spectral lines. He took note on how they looked and created the Atomic Theory model that we still use today in 1920.
    The Planetary Model