Founding of Scientology
L. Ron Hubbard founded the Church of Scientology in 1954, following the release of his book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950). This book was the foundation of the doctrines and practices of Scientology. -
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Expansion and Controversy
Scientology grew fast, gaining adherents all over the globe. But it was also growing in controversy, including allegations of harassment and hostile strategies against critics. The church came to be noted for its clandestine activities and lawsuits against governments. -
FBI Raids Church of Scientology
The FBI storms the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Church of Scientology, uncovering evidence of sweeping espionage and illegal wrongdoing. This leads to criminal charges against church officials. -
Recognition as a Religion
Scientology was legally established as a religion in some countries, such as the United States, but was resisted in others. It became a target of intense public scrutiny due to its celebrity following and the ongoing battles with former members and critics. -
Death of L. Ron Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard dies in 1986. David Miscavige, one of Hubbard's senior lieutenants, takes the reins of the Church of Scientology. -
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Global Expansion
Scientology spread around the world in the 1990s, with outlets opening globally. The church received new media attention, especially due to its association with Hollywood celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta. -
Scientology Gains Tax-Exempt Status
After years of litigation, the Church of Scientology has been declared tax-exempt by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This is considered a great victory for the church, which is granted the legal status of a religion. -
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Controversy and Criticism
The church has faced criticism over the manner in which it handles ex-members, its aggressive defense of its procedures, and its legal cases. Films and books such as Going Clear (2015) made Scientology's practices front-page news, sparking controversy again about its status as a religion. -
Documentary Going Clear Released
Documentary Going Clear Released:
HBO broadcasts the documentary Going Clear, which investigates Scientology's activities and abuse claims within the church. The documentary once more brings attention and criticism to Scientology's secretive activities, its control over members, and its handling of former members. -
Launch of Scientology TV Channel
The Church of Scientology launches its own television network, Scientology Network, to reach a larger audience and counter negative portrayals of the church in the media. It's supposed to reach more people than ever before