Carl Linneus
Carl linneus did not directly have a theory about evolution but his contribution to animals helped shapet he theory for evolution. Carl classified plants by their pistils or stamens. Carl also devolped the theory that species can not change. He later disproved this theory by his palnt classifictions -
Thomas Malthus
Thomas contributed to Darwin's theory by wrinting his Essay on the Principals of Population. Malthus discovered that the human population will double and triple over the next twenty-five years. By studying the population, he also discovered that if the human population was not controlled the food supply would not be able to keep up -
Jean Lamarack
Lamarack stated that if an organism changes to adapt to it's enviroment, those changes will be passed off to it's offspring. This is called the line of descent. Lamarack also stated that if an organism disuses a body part it will eventually go way. He believed that since penguins did not use their wings as much as birds, their wings will decrease in size. -
Richard Owen
Richard Owen agreed with the idea of evolution but not by nautal selection.He believed that evolution was related to other animals also not just apes. Richard Owen also reated homology which he defined as the same organ in diferent animals under every variety of form and functon. Owen also created his six mechanisms of evolution. -
Georges Cuvier
Cuvier used fossils to determine that animals die off, he came up with the theory of exctintion. He also came up with the theory of castrophism. Castrophism is the idea that the Earth has been affected by short vilent events. Castrophism is an explanation for exctinction. -
Charles Lyell
Charles created Uniformitarianism which is the idea that the same natural laws that operatein the universe now and in the past , operate now and they apply everywhere. Charles also explored how these processes shaped the geology of the Earth. -
Ernst Haeckal
Haeckal was proved incorrect in later years, but he created the law of recapultalation, which states that phylogeny and otogeny are connected to each other. He also created a model of mutli-cellular organisms that resemble their ancesters. -
Alfred Wallace
Wallace and Darwin had smiliar theories because they worked together. Wallace is credited with being the co-discover of evolution. Excpet, Wallace came up with inteligent evolution. Intelligent evolution is the theory of common descent based uppon natural selection and the principal of utility. -
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin came up with many theories, the two most relevant being Natural Selection and The theory of Evolution. Natural selection looks at the idea of the strongest will survive. He also discovered evolution. Evolution points to the evolving from something else, Darwin stated we evolved from apes. -
Ernst Mayr
Ernst Mayr filled many of the gaps in Darwins theories. Mayr came up with the idea of Evolution synthesis. He stated that when a population of organisms becomes seperated, they eventually get new traits and can no longer interbreed. He also stated that the key to evolution is the devolpment of new species