Jan 1, 1504
Royal Prussia, Kingdom of Poland Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe where the sun is at the center of the universe. The publication of his book, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium was a major event in the history of science. It began the Copernican Revolution and contributed to the scientific revolution. -
Italy Improved the telescope and noticed moons around Jupiter would be in different places at different nights which helped support Copernicus' theory. Claimed that a pendulum's swing's take the same time. Found that the path of a projectile is a parabola. -
Germany. Kepler's three laws Had severly defective vision. -
Dutch Republic Snell's law His father was a math professor. -
England Discovered law of elasticity. He was a natural philosopher, architect, and polymath. -
England He invented the theory of gravity. He believed God mediated the gravitational force. -
Massachusetts Franklin invented the lightning rod and the single fluid theory (a given body possessing a normal amount of electric fluid was called neutral.) Was almost killed with his early experiments with lightning. -
England He developed the concept of horsepower and the SI unit of power, the watt. -
Italy Avogadro contributed to the molecular theory of Avogadro's Law. Avogadro's constant was named after him. -
France Ampere was one of the first founders of the science of classical electromagnetism. The SI unit of measurement of electric current, ampere, is named after him. -
Italy Doppler discovered the Doppler effect which observed frequency of light and sound waves are affected by relative motion of source and detector. One of his students was Gregor Mendel. -
England DiscoveredLaw of conservation of energy. Worked with lord kelvin to develope the absolute scale of temperature. -
Ireland Discoveredthe exsitence of abslute zero in temperature. HIs mother died when he was 6. -
Germany Responsible for Ohm's law, ohm's phase law, and Ohm's acoustic law. His father was a locksmith. -
Gerrmany He was the first who conclusively proved the exsistence of electromagnetic waves He died of an infection at age 36. -
Austria- Hungary Invented AC system and electricity supply system He built first wireless controlled boat. -
Germany Einstein discovered the equation E=mc^2, the theory of relativity, quantum theory. Won the 1921 Nobel Peace Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics.