276 BCE
Eratosthenes born
Eratosthenes created a world map, a full calender, a simple way to find prime numbers, and accurately measured the circumference of the Earth. -
195 BCE
Eratosthenes dies
Ptolemy born
Ptolemy belived all plantets circled around the Earth because it was the center of the universe. -
Ptolemy dies
Copernicus Born
Copernicus theorizes that the Earth revolves around the sun.
Copernicus dies
Galileo born
Galileo improves the telescope
Galileo discovers the moon is not smooth, the milky way consists of many stars, Jupiter has four moons, sunspots, and phases of the moon.
The catholic church bans Galileo’s work
Newton born
Galileo dies
Newton comes up with the theory of gravity and binomials, invents the calculus, and proves white light is all colors.
Newton dies
Charles Darwin born
Mendeleev born
Darwin publishes his book, “On the Origins of Species”
Darwin came up with the theory of evolution through his extensive research and his studies in the shapes of finch’s beaks from different areas. -
Mendeleev weites his first book on the spectroscope.
Marie Curie is born
Mendeleev creates the first periodic table of elements.
Darwin received an honorary doctorate from the university of Cambridge
Wegener born
Charles Darwin dies
Marie Curie discovers pure Radium
Marie and her husband win a nobel prize
Mendeleev earns a nobel prize in chemistry
Henry Hess born
Hess came up with the theory of seafloor spreading and created maps of the ocean floor, which helped support Wegener’s theory of continental drift. -
Mendeleev dies
Marie wins her second nobel proze
Wegener publishes a book on continental drift.
Francis Crick is born
Rosalind Franklin is born
Wegener comes up with the idea of pangaea
James watson is born
Wegener dies
Marie dies
Rosalind takes an X-Ray diffraction image of DNA to discover its repeating helical structure and publishes her image soon after
Watson and Crick announce their double helix structure
Crick argues that the main function of genetic material is to control the synthesis of proteins
Rosalind Franklin dies
Crick discovers that mRNA transport genetic information from the nucleus to the protein-making organelle of the cell
Watson and Crick received Nobel prize
Henry Hess dies
Crick dies