DALTON has his laws published
DALTONS first atom studies
DALTON publishes New System of Chemical Philosophy
DALTON wins the Royal Medal
DALTON has colorblindness named after him
THOMPSON begins his theories and discovers atoms
RUTHERFORD sets record for his wireless waves
THOMPSON discovers the electron
Rutherford discovers a radioactive gas, later named radon.
THOMPSON wins Nobel Prize for his discoveries
THOMPSON discovers the electron
EINSTEIN begins studying laws of gravity
RUTHERFORD wins Nobel Prize
EINSTEIN Einstein predicts bending of light.
RUTHERFORD is Knighted.
EINSTEIN General Theory of Relativity is published
RUTHERFORD discovers neutrons' existence.
BOHR wins Nobel Prize for Physics
BOHR joins Royal Society of London
BOHR debates quantom theory with Albert Einstein
EINSTEIN finally has The World As I See It published
EINSTEIN is chosen as chairman of the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists
BOHR wins Atoms For Peace Award
BOHR Neils Bohr Institute founded