100's A.D Astronomer Ptolemy
Ptolemy came up with the theory that earth was the center of the universe. This theory was called geocentric theory. This made people think for a long time that this was correct. When later somebody challenge ad defeated the idea. people new ways of thinking changed. This event cause a lot of people to think the wrong way on how the world is work. This was significant to history because it caused a lot of people to think the wrong way for many years. -
Period: 100 to
Scientific Revolution
1446 A.D- Johannes Gutenberg (printing press)
Gutenberg was the first person to create a movable press. Even though he did not turn out to be successful, his invention was. This help people compare there discoveries, get the world around faster, let people go off of there ideas and crest more ideas, ext. This helped challenge the religious views since more and more people are now able to see the scientific side too. This changed the way people viewed the world and now instead pinning something on magic they can explain it by science. -
Early 1500's A.D- Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus disagreed with Ptolemy, saying that he sun was the center of the universe. This theory was called the heliocentric theory. Even though not many people at his time wanted to believe in what he was saying, it caused people in the future to think about his ideas, expand on it, and they where able to change there views with his theory. This event caused a large amount of people to change and challenger there way of thinking. Now they view there place in the universe differently. -
1543 A.D- Andreas Vesalius
Vesalius studied anatomy.He published a book called "On the Fabric of the Human Body",that was also illustrated.This provided people with visual information of the human body.This is very important because now people had a correct understanding on the tissues and organs in the body.This book changed everybody understanding's on how the human body works and this lead to better medicine and doctors for the future,and challenged people's ideas on how medicine works and later on,how medicine works. -
1609 A.D- Johannes Kepler
Kepler was a brilliant mathematician. By going off of Copernicus theory he was able to justify that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. In 1609 he published the laws of planetary based off of Copernicus's work. He was one of the people who where able to get people to listen, to change and challenge their minds on how the world works. He was able to support Copernicus ideas and in the future help people understand where they stand in this universe. -
1616 A.D- William Harvey
Harvey discovered the circulation of blood throughout the human body, and discovered the human heart. He changed how people thought the blood was send throughout the body, and how people looked at the veins and arteries. He made a new discovery and in the future would help better doctors and medicine. This also challenged people to find better ways to improve their medicine. -
1620 A.D- Francis Bacon
Bacon believed that nothing should be assumed and everything should be proved with countless experiments. This paved a way for people to do things over and over again, never settling on the first results. This changed the way people viewed scientific experiments. It made people in the future do more then one experiment. It challenged people to test everything out and to always check twice. -
1632 A.D-Galileo Galilei
Galileo used a telescope to look up into the "heavens", aka space. By being able to look up into space he was able to justify Copernicus' theory. He published his research in 1632, and was finally the one who made it clear that the earth was not the center of the universe. Galileo was the final one to be able to change everybody's views on the world. In the future, the telescope that he modified was modified over and over again, and now we are able to see farther than any human has before. -
1637 A.D- René Descartes
René Descartes believed that nothing should be without question, meaning that nothing should be just accepted. He paved a way for people to not just accept things blindly, but instead to question everything. His studies challenged the the churches views so much that he was under house arrest. Instead of just blindly following a religion they started questioning things that went on around the world. This made for new discovery's in the future. -
1662 A.D- Robert Boyle
Boyle studied mass and matter. In 1662, he showed that matter and temperature affect that space that it is in. This paved way for people to expand on to this idea and for new inventions to make. This also changed people's view on how thought of how temperature and matter, and how it affects them. This paved way for people to go off of mass and matter and find other research that relates to mass and matter. -
1670 A.D- Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
By using the microscope that was invented in the 1500's, Leeuwenhoek found bacteria, which he called "animalcules". This discovery changed the way people in the future would look under a microscope. The more people would dive into the "microscopic world" they would discover more and more. This would help to create better medicine, better surgery's, ext in the future. It changed how people looked at smaller life forms on this earth. -
1685 A.D- Gottfried Leibniz
Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton discovered calculus apart from each other. This is important to the way people where able to discover using this math in the future, This changed the way people viewed math, which in turn challenged people views on other things that where created by the use of calculus. In the future people are able to use calculus for engineering, building, ext. -
1687 A.D- Isaac Newton
In 1687, Newton published a book on the work of Copernicus, Kepler,and Galileo. Newton gave the universal gravitation theory. He also created the laws of motion.Newton was able to take off of other people's finding, makes other theory's from those theory's, and at the same time convince people to change there minds AGAIN on how the world works. This challenged people in the future to look more into gravitation and how it works not just on our world but on other planets, universe, and more. -
1774 A.D- Joseph Priestley
Joseph Priestley discovered Oxygen. This made way for more people to be able to experiment with oxygen, figure out molecules (H2O). It changed the people think about how the air works around them. It challenged people on how they looked at elements and molecules. In the future we will use this findings in our research and teach this in our science classes. -
1778 A.D- Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier named Oxygen and Hydrogen. He also figured out that fire wasn't a element. This was important because people have always used fire in the past and now people understand what it actually is. It changed the way people view fire and how it works. It challenged people in the future to find more elements.