Jan 1, 1214
Roger Bacon English Philosopher 1214-1294
Roger Bacon was an English philosopher born in 1214. He emphasized the study of nature through firsthand methods and supported the scientific method. He is believed to be the first European to describe a mixture with ingredients in gunpowder. Click Here for More Information -
Feb 19, 1473
Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543
Copernicus was born in Royal Prussia, which is where the northwestern part of Germany is today. He was a Renaissance astronomer. He was the first person to vocalize his belief that the earth was not the center of the universe. Click Here for More Information -
Dec 31, 1514
Andreas Vesalius 1514-1564 Netherlands
Andreas Vesalius was a Flemish anatomist, physician, and author. He wrote a very influential book on the human anatomy called De Humani Corporis Fabrica, which means "On the Structure of the Human Body." Vesalius is often thought of as the founder of modern human anatomy. Click Here for More Information -
Jan 22, 1561
Francis Bacon 1561-1626
Francis Bacon was a philosopher, statesmen, scientist, lawyer, jurist, and author from England. He was also a pioneer in the idea of the scientific method. Even though his political career didn't go so well, his discoveries and idea as a scientist were much greater. Click Here for More Information -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei 1564-1642 Italy
Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. He contributed a lot and was a major part of the Scientific Revolution, including making improvements to the telescope. Galilei has been called "the father" of many things, such as "the father of science" and "the father of modern physics." Click Here for More Information -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler 1571-1630 German
Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer born on December 27, 1571. He is most well-known for his laws of planetary motion, which provided a foundation for Isaac Newton and his theory of universal gravitation. He also taught mathematics at a seminary school in Austria. Click Here for More Information -
Apr 1, 1578
William Harvey 1578-1657
William Harvey was a physician from England born in 1578. He was the first person completely describe in detail blood circulation. He also described the properties of blood being pumped to the rest of the body by the heart. Click Here for More Information -
Rene' Descartes 1596-1650
Descartes was a philosopher, mathematician, and writer from France but spent most of his adult life in the Dutch Republic. His writings are still studied today, and he was considered "the father of modern philosophy." He also made a big impact in mathematics as well, being known as the father of the bridge between algebra and geometry. Click Here for More Information -
Robert Boyle 1627-1691
Robert Boyle was born in Ireland and was a natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor. He was also known for his theological writings. He is thought to be the first modern chemist, a founder of modern chemistry, and a pioneer of the scientific method. He is best recognized for Boyle's law, which states the inversely proportional relationship absolute pressure and volume of a gas kept at a constant temperature. <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Boyle' >Click Here for More I -
Isaac Newton 1642-1727
Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian from England. He was a major contributor to the Scientific Revolution with his description of the three laws of motion. He was considered to be "the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived." Click Here for More Information