Sep 20, 800
Scientists question older teachings
Hypotheses made by Aristotle, and other Natural Philosophers, are starting to be questioned. -
Sep 20, 1200
Roger Bacon
Rodger bacon, in the 1200's, was a Franciscan monk who studies at Oxford and Paris. Later on, his studies and ideas granted him the title of "Doctor Mirabilis". -
Sep 22, 1473
Copernicus is born
Sep 20, 1500
Changing the World
Some scientists started the questioning of the older beliefs. The men began to form conclusions with his own senses. Math, experiments, and science, helped them draw conclusions. Their thinking, helped the people of the world,understand a lot more about the life. -
Sep 21, 1500
Issac Newton developes Calculus
Sep 23, 1500
Antonie van Leewenhoek uses microscope to detect bacteria
Sep 20, 1543
is known as the founder of astronomy, and is the man responsible for finding out the Earth spins and revolves around the sun. -
Sep 20, 1543
Copernicus theory released to the public
His theory was questioned about the Earth revolving, and that the planets don't move around the earth and neither does the su -
Sep 21, 1543
Vesalius publishes a 7 volume series on the Human Body -
Sep 22, 1564
Galileo is born
Descartes is born
Kepler publishes laws of motion
Johannes Kepler explores the law of motion, and publishes his thoughts on what the laws consist of. Kepler was a German Astrologist, who teamed up with Galileo. The two used models, observation, mathematics, and other things to help come to conclusions. -
Francis Bacon publishes book
Bacon also thought that thepory's had to have factual evidence andonl could bedeveloped through observation. -
Descartes claims that allassumptions must be backed up by facts. -
Robert Boyle
States that temperature and pressure affect the space that gasses occupy -
Newton publishes book on Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo
Issc Newton, explains why the bodies (Sun, Earth, etc.) move as they do, to help correct the three scientists. -
Scientific revolution comes to a slow
Joseph Priestly discovers oxygen