Scientific Revolution Timeline

  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Bacon started to develop the new way of thinking. One of the first people to start to use scientific tools, math and experiments. Eventually creating the Scientific Method. He sort of kickstarted a revolution that still impacts us today. I as well as many other students go to school 5 days a week. During school it is required that I learn both math and science and my abilities to show my work are tested. This is because of Bacon as well as many others who chose to start thinking a different way.
  • Period: 1200 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • 1500

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek used the microscope already invented in the late 1500's to see bacteria. When he first discovered the "tiny life forms never before seen by the human eye" he decided to call them animalcules. We now know that there is bacteria everywhere but Leeuwenhoek started the search for a new life form that no one had any idea about.
  • 1543

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey helped greatly with Vesalius and his study of the human body. He studied the circulation of blood through lab experiments. He described how the veins and arteries carry the blood through the body. He observed the heart, the most important muscle in the body. Harvey helped greatly with the advance in medicine. He helped people understand how the body works which made it better for doctors to help people.
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Copernicus started to abandon the old age idea that the Earth was the center of the universe.He started the change in questioning how things worked.Instead of the Geocentric Theory, he developed a new Heliocentric theory.This meant that our universe was sun centered.He published this theory in 1543, but there was no evidence to prove his theory.His thought to question the old ways of thinking has changed what we think today.He inspired other people to start questioning the ways that they think.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Following the quote of Leonardo de Vinci,"I advise you not to trouble with words unless you are speaking with blind men."He studied anatomy. Vesalius refused to accept the descriptions of Galen 1,400 years ago, so he started his own study.Based off of his findings he published a 7 subject book with amazingly detailed drawings.People started to understand their own bodies that they had been living in for years.It helped doctors to better understand the anatomy of the body to be able to help it.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Kepler started to prove Copernicus's theory with models, observation, and mathematics.He found that some of the reasoning behind the theory was wrong.He published his laws of planetary motion in 1606.Kepler is responsible for helping make Copernicus's theory true. He proved that some of the old theories were in fact wrong and there are ways to prove that these new theories are true. He kind of started the way of checking your work. This helped to inspire people to think in a new way.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    He believed greatly in Descartes theory. He also believed that ideas could be proven through observation. He published a book on the new reasoning including descartes methods as well. This changed the way that people thought for the rest of time. People now think by proving their thoughts. Even in school we learn that we always need to prove our thinking with evidence.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo read about a Dutch device that made objects far away appear closer and larger.He built his own and used it to "study the heavens."He saw things no one had seen before, like valleys and mountains of the moon and rings on saturn.Galileo published his findings as well as his many detailed sketches in 1632.These thoughts were thought to go against the bible.It caused an outrage.He also figured out that all objects fall at the same rate. His findings inspired our thoughts of the universe now.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    He developed the philosophy based on reason. He felt that no assumptions should be accepted without reason. Everything has to be proven true before trusted. He also believed that all fields of science are connected so they should be studied all together. One of his famous quotes, "I think, therefore I am" from which he created his logical reasoning. This changed the way that people thought about everything. People now started to think about the reasoning behind everything.
  • Telescope

    Isaac Newton was the first person to actually create a telescope and use it the way we use them now. To see objects far away. It now bears his name, Newtonian Reflector. This helped greatly in the understanding of astrology. People could now see the craters and mountains in the moon. It helped people understand how the world worked. It was a new way to help provide evidence for thoughts.
  • Gottfried Liebnitz

    Gottfried Liebnitz
    Although Liebnitz and Newton did not work together they both developed calculus. This was a whole new branch of math. Since people started to develop a new theory of thinking which is that people need to have evidence to support their thinking, people had a new way to do this. IT helped in the revolution of the way people thought.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Newton wanted to prove the theories of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galilei. He needed to find hard evidence using experiments.He found out that the same force that keeps planets in orbit, is the same that makes objects fall. Gravity. This helped him develop the laws of motion. These laws of motion have one of the greatest impacts on out life now. Objects that we use daily like the seatbelt and transportation are all based off of the laws of motion. He published a book on all of his findings in 1687.
  • Joseph Priestly

    Joseph Priestly
    Based off of Robert Boyle's research, Priestly discovered the element oxygen. This obviously had a major effect on us because oxygen is something we interact with everyday. It helped us better understand one of the main things we need to survive. He was one of the building blocks to Lavoisier who discovered how elements work together. Without the discovery of oxygen, people wouldn't start to get the understanding of something that is so crucial to our survival.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Boyle studied chemistry. He used experiments with temperature and pressure to evaluate their effect on gas. Later based off of his studies, Joseph Priestly discovered the element oxygen. Boyle also invented many things that helped us advance. He also invented the air pump which is used for many of the things we use daily. We use this to pump things like tires in which we use daily in transportation.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Lavoisier also helped with understand chemistry. Before him, people believed that fire was an element. He proved that wrong but also proved that matter can change form. He proved this with the fact that when steam mixes with the air it becomes invisible. along with this idea he proved that matter cannot be destroyed or created. This opened up a new door to the thought of elements and the understanding of them. We know understand what goes into everything around us. What everything is made of.