Ptolemy invented the geocentric theory which stated that the earth was the center of the universe. This changed people, they started thinking that they were the center of the universe, this didn't challenge anything because it was the first anybody had heard of this. This led to Copernicus proving Ptolemy wrong and proving the sun was the center of the universe. -
Johannes Gutenerg
Gutenberg invented the printing press (a big wooden type writer). This changed the way we all communicated. Instead of talking we wrote letters, which led to the computer and phones and texting etc. But this challenged some of our social skills, like talking in person and hanging out. This led to a whole world of electronics and new ways to communicate. We can talk face to face (otp) with someone that could be half way across the world. -
Nov 20, 1500
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus invented the Heliocentric theory which proved that the sun was the center of the universe, people had trouble accepting this theory because they believed in the geocentric theory that stated the earth was the center of the universe. This new idea changed the way people viewed the earth and its position. This idea led to the discovery of orbit, earths axis, revolutions, etc, this impacted everything we knew. -
Andreas Vesalius
Vesalius published the first book about human body. This changed the way people (mentally) viewed their body. This challenged scientists to find out how each part of the body communicated and worked together. This led to everything we know about our body today. For ex, organs, tissue, brain, blood, lungs, etc. -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo invented the thermometer. This changed many things in our everyday lives. But it challenged many health concerns and many safe havens. For ex, too hot or cold temps in science experiments that might have led to something really important today, killing germs in food and on body's, etc. This creation could have helped lead to everything we know today. -
Zacharias Jansseb
Jansseb invented the Compound Microscope. This creation changed the way people viewed, smaller but just as important life. For ex, cells were seen for the first time, bacteria, etc. But it challenged the idea of how we and other things were made. This creation led to the medicine, vaccines, anything and everything that helps us today was made because we were able to see things that the naked eye couldn't see. -
Evangelista invented the Barometer which is a an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude. This challenged the old ways people had (or if they even could) measured these things. This changed things for the better. Everything was made easier to find out. This led to predicting weather hours even days away, and making things easier to plan out, like traveling. -
William Harvey
Harvey observed the heart and blood of the human body. This didn't change really anything. People just got to find out more about their body system. This challenged other people to find out more about their body. This led to future advancements. For ex, artificial hearts, blood types, etc. -
Francis Bacon
Bacon invented the idea of running experiments to prove his hypothesis wrong or right.This challenged people to prove their "facts" true, and not just say them and have people assume it's true. This changed what people knew, it became false. This led to all experiments we do today. -
Robert Boyle
Boyle invented Modern chemistry. This changed the way people learned, they now had and were able to prove what they thought. This challenged people to understand more than the basics. This lead to scientific chemistry we know today. -
Christian Huygens
Huygens invented the pendelum clock. This changed the people read time (or even if they did). This challenged people to make new clocks and to read lines and know what they each mean. This led to every single time piece we have today. For ex, the watch, maybe even the phone, alarm clock, digital clock, etc. -
Isaac Newton
Newton Invented the 3 Laws of Motion. They changed the way everyone thought about items and their motion differently. It challenged people to understand how the objects movement worked. This was the future, everything we know now is still going off thoselaws of motion. For ex, Newton's cradle, sports with balls, etc. -
Ben Franklin
Franklin invented the Bifocal glasses which are now know as glasses. These changed the way people basically saw things. they became clearer and everyone was able to do the same abilities (through the eyes). But this challenged doctors to make this happen for everyone. This led to more modernized glasses that come in different styles, even contacts. You can put them in and out of your eye with no issue. -
Edward Jenner
Jenner invented the first vaccine. This changed the length of peoples life (longer) and the new way people thought of illnesses and diseases, they went from deadly to curable. This challenged people to try to create more vaccines for different sicknesses. This creation led to a whole world of medicine and cures. Forex, chemo, penicillon, cough medicine, etc. -
Thomas Edison
Edison invented the Light Bulb. This changed the way people lived. They went from using lanterns and burning/ wasting gas to being able to pull a string and turn on a light. This changed the way people thought of darkness, because now they could see in the dark without having to hold a light next to everything. This led to a lot of future ideas, like the lamb, the sensory light, the flashlight, etc.