Claudius Ptolemy
Ptolemy was a Greek/Roman man who was very skilled in Mathematics, Astronomy, and Astrology. Ptolemy is best known for creating the Geocentric Theory, which says that the Earth is in the center of the universe and everything else revolves around Earth. This was one of the the first theory's about our sun and planets, so he changed the way others may have thought. He set a barrier, and everybody else built off of his theory. Without his idea, we would not have the correct theory we have today. -
Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon was an English monk and scientist. While he was a monk, he questioned old religious beliefs and practiced scientific experimentation in order to find the truth about everyday mysteries. He mainly studied Astronomy, Mathematics, and Alchemy, and was known for being the first European to describe the process of making gunpowder. Roger bacon went against the word of the church. He inspired other people to be independent, and think for themselves. -
The Renaissance
This was a time period going from 1300-1700. This time period is the period in which people converted from using Magic to using Science. This time period created many great minds that created many things we use today. The Renaissance period completely changed peoples ways of everyday life, and the way we solved problems. Without the Renaissance, we would possibly still be using magic, and not be sure of how anything works. Due to this time period, we are able to live our lives how live today -
Creation of Tools for Experimentation
The Creation of scientific tools was incredibly important to science. During the 1500-1700s, different people made different scientific instruments. Items like the Microscope(1590) and Telescope(1609) and many different instruments were created to aid scientists in their experiments. These revolutionary tools changed the way people observed everyday things, and come to conclusions. Without these inventions in this period, our theory's or ideas would not be as strongly developed or even proven -
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus was a Polish Mathematician/Astronomer who is known for making the Heliocentric Theory. This theory contradicts Ptolemy’s Geocentric theory, and says that the Sun is in the center of the universe, and everything else revolves around it. Copernicus published his Heliocentric theory in 1543. Copernicus came up with a brand new theory and a completely different way of thinking from everyone else at the time. Many other great minds built off his theory, and built the theory we have today. -
Andreas Vesalius
Vesalius was a Belgian anatomist. In 1543 Vesalius published 7 novels about human anatomy, in which he included illustrations. Vesalius studied and built techniques for the many surgeries he performed. In 1538, Vesalius traveled to Venice to help treat people with leprosy. Thanks to Vesalius' observations in the medical field, we now have a cure for leprosy. When Bloodletting, Vesalius went again popular belief, and took large amounts of blood, rather than small amounts, like most others would -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is an Italian man who specialized in polymath. Galileo was intrigued by Copernicus’s Heliocentric theory. He had read about a dutch device that let humans see things that were incredibly far away. Galileo crafted his own version of the telescope, and observed and the Heliocentric Theory(1609). In 1632, Galileo published a novel to share his findings and proof of the Heliocentric theory. He helped build off of this theory to show people the truth. Galileo led many others to do the same -
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer who used mathematics to prove Copernicus' Heliocentric theory. He is also responsible for creating the three laws of Planetary Motion(1st 2 in 1609, 3rd in 1619), while using the same mathematics used to prove the Heliocentric theory. Kepler, like many others, used his skills to help prove the Heliocentric Theory. Because he was a well known mathematician, he was able to persuade people that his ideas and work are correct. -
Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon was an English man who came with the idea that theory's could be developed through observation. In 1620, Bacon published a book called "Novum Organum", to show his findings and ideas. His idea went into the future as almost a rubric. When people had a theory, they must test it first with their own observations to make it true. Because of this one idea, thousands of new ideas and theory's have been created while using this idea as a building block or starting place. -
William Harvey
Harvey was an English man who studied Human Anatomy. In 1628, he published a novel about the human anatomy. He went into detail about the circulatory system and how blood moved through the veins/arteries by being pumped through the heart. Harvey gave a new outlook on the human circulatory system. He detailed information about where blood travels to/from. His findings were able to show everyday people how their heart/circulatory system works, what it is used for & why it is important to us -
René Descartes
Descartes was a French Philosopher. At the time, Descartes was one of the first philosophers, and studied a lot of geometry. One of Descartes better known theory's was the Theory of Mind. Descartes said "I think, therefore I am". This meant that people must support opinions with facts until they are proven correct. This idea gave people a new way to think about their thoughts and experiences. Without his Theory of Mind, we would have a completely different way of thinking about our thoughts. -
Robert Boyle
Boyle was an Irish Philosopher responsible modernizing chemistry by creating Boyle's Law. This states that the pressure of gas will increase when the size of the container it is in decreases. This changed the way people thought of gas because nobody knew how the pressure of gas worked. With his law, we are able to understand how and why it works. We are able to do things that would be difficult without his law. Tasks like pumping tires would be very hard if we didn't have his theory to guild us -
Gottfried Leibniz
Leibniz was a German man who studied polymath and created Calculus. Calculus is a type of math that is used in mathematical models to create optimal solutions. Without the work of Leibniz(and Newton) it is possible that we may not have some of the same theory's we have today. Physics heavily depends on calculus, so without it, ideas like the Laws of Motion may not be as well developed. This changed the way of thinking because at this time, many people still used magic to find answers to problems -
Sir Issac Newton
Newton wrote and published multiple novels that contained the work of himself and other great minds like Copernicus, Kepler, & Galileo to show how the Heliocentric Theory worked. Newton also discovered how gravity actually works. Newton discovered and wrote about the three laws of motion(1687). Newtons laws of motion totally revolutionized the way we though. Nobody knew that there was a force that controls our World/Lives. He created ideas that have helped create current things like space travel -
John Hunter
Hunter was a British surgeon who studied Biology & Anatomy. He favored experimentation, and created Pathological Anatomy. This is studying diseases all over the world or in specific areas. He came up with many solutions and cures to organ/tissue disease. He modernized medicine and surgery, and helped loads of people. With his studies & ideas, we have been able to build off of them, and come up with more modern cures & ideas. He was elected "Surgeon Extraordinary" by King George the III in 1776 -
Joseph Priestley
Priestley was an English Philosopher and Chemist who was the first man to identify the element oxygen. Priestley discovered oxygen when testing how candles burn in different simulated environments, and found that oxygen was able to keep the flame alive the best. At the time, nobody truly knew what oxygen was or how it worked. Priestley set foundation for others to build upon his idea. Without his discovery, people in the future like Lavoisier would not be able to unfold more ideas about oxygen