Scientific Revolution

  • 100


    Ptolemy, the astronomer thought that the Earth was the center of the universe because people could see the sun and could not feel earth move. This changed the way people thought because they now know more about why "we don't feel the Earth move" and we can see planets and the sun.
  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Roger Bacon was one of the first to favor scientific experiments instead of ancient beliefs, to find the truth himself. This challenged the knowledge of the everyday life. This was changed history because he made people think that investigating science and trying to back up with proof.
  • 1500

    Scientist use tools to help draw more accurate conclusions

    Scientist use tools to help draw more accurate conclusions
    Scientist just made the Barometer, Microscope, telescope, air pump, and the thermometer to help their ability to observe an measure. This was important to the scientific revolution because people could finally make measurements exact and more accurate. This changed the people at this time because their evidence is now exact and right.
  • 1500


    This theory was created by Nicolaus Copernicus. This is important because it makes a whole new understanding for the world and how they orbit around the sun. This was really important to the scientific revolution because it backs up other known facts at that time about astronomy.
  • 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    He was one of the best Polish scientist and is the founder of modern astronomy. He changed the way the world thought because he proved that the Earth is a moving planet that orbits around the sun. He was a very important person at this time because he brought new ideas into the scientific revolution.
  • 1500

    Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    Early scientist in the 1500s began to draw conclusions based on what they observed with scientific instruments, math, and experiments creating scientific method. This changed the way people thought because with these new tools that the scientist can use they can make more accurate measurements to help them create a whole new understanding on the world around them.
  • 1500

    Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    The scientific revolution is when people began to use experiments and mathematics to understand mysteries. This is an important event because it made people find out things based on evidence that they found, instead of religious & ancient beliefs.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    He studied the human body's muscles and tissues to make a understanding for complicated component of the body. This is important to the scientific revolution because the anatomy was a way for him to understand what we had inside us and also how it works to complete task.
  • 1550

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    He studied how the blood is moved around the body by veins and arteries. This was important to the scientific revolution because he also used anatomy to get a better understanding on how on one of the most important muscle works, which is the heart.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Was a German scientist that was really good at mathematics and then used math and other skills to prove the heliocentric theory right. This was important to the scientific revolution because he had proved that a scientist that could back up his thought with little evidence that he was right all along. This challenged the way people thought because he made sure that he proved this theory right so people could know it is right.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    He thought that you could only trust a scientific theory if it was backed up by repeatable experiments. This was important to the scientific revolution because he was making sure every theory was back up or it couldn't be trusted. This changed the way people thought because he made it so everything could be proved and thing that couldn't be proven then they aren't true.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    He was a Italian scientist that also helped proved that the heliocentric theory was right. He did this by making a telescope that allowed him to see mountains and valleys on the moon. This is important to the scientific revolution because he saw things that other people haven't seen before to prove that not all things revolve around the Earth.
  • René Descartes

    René Descartes
    Was the "Leader" of the scientific revolution because his ideas led to great advances in mathematics, sciences, and philosophy. This was important to the scientific revolution because he helped advance in the fields that are a huge part of today and help people even today with a break threw from a long time ago.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    He studied chemistry and proved that temperature and pressure affect the space that a gas occupies. This is important to the scientific revolution because he found out that gas takes up space and that that space will change based on temperature and pressure.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Newton realized that a force holds planets in their orbits and causes objects to fall on Earth, this is universal gravitation. This is important to the scientific revolution because his discoveries was the thing holding the universe in place, and also it is the thing that makes stuff fall on Earth. This changed the way people think because the very thing that holds the universe is also on our Earth.