Scientific Revolution

  • Period: 1200 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • 1502

    New Beliefs and Tools

    New Beliefs and Tools
    The 1500's is where things really start to take off. Because questioning religion becomes more popular, so was scientific instruments, math, and experiments. As a direct effect of this, new tools were made. For insentience telescope, air pump, barometer, just to name a few. This was game changing for people. Newly invented things was a revolutionary way of getting more accurate data. People in the future are going to use this to prove theories and get more accurate data.
  • 1505

    Nicolas Copernicus cont.

    Copernicus's theories were the basis to many future books, and labs. This helped influence people to understand that the church was wrong, and to motivate people into believing it. It was so life changing, that now hundred of years into the future we call him "the founder of modern astronomy" and "a symbol for new ideas and approaches"
  • 1505

    Nicolas Copernicus

    Nicolas Copernicus
    Copernicus started to abandoned the geocentric theory for his own heliocentric theory. Even though it was published, people didn't pay attention, because it "seemed to deny what people's scenes told them". But int he future 2 scientists both proved that his theory was true. This shows that because Copernicus challenged and changed his mind, (it was very different than everyone else) that he helped others to change their mind. This new thoughts made Copernicus a symbol of new ideas.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius (cont.)

    Another thing that he did was become the first one to ever make full illustrations of the human body, this is incredible because now people could see everything rather than make guesses as to what things looked like, and now they had proof as to what everything inside your body looked like.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Vesakius was one of the most influential people of his time period. Why? His greatest known book, " On the Fabric of the Human Body" was a pioneer in the science, biology and anatomy fields. In it there are many new before figured out, pieces of the human body.
    This is so influential because know people are really begining to create and write about things with the new technology and new advances that were mad before them. They are taking the pioneers and pathing themselves a way to successes.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon believed that theories could only be devolved through observation. He also said that there is no assumption that could be trusted unless it is proven thought many trials. Based off of these I ideas he wrote a book called Novum Organum, which talked about this new system of knowledge. Francis Bacon was a great influence of the scientific revolution because he was one of the first to favor a scientific way of dong things over a religious way of doing things.
  • Don Quixote de la Mancha

    Don Quixote de la Mancha
    This novel was written by a Spanish writer named of Miguel de Cervantes. This book was written about a man who was "stuck in the myths of the past". This tale was told in humor, reflected on the new world + how this world was rejecting the legends of old for the new realty : Science.
    This book was like a subtle poke at people who still chose old times rather than science.This book was influential because it gave people something to base there life of off. It was like a wake up call for science
  • Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    The 1600s, a Danish astronomer named Tycho Brahe rejected both Ptolemaic + Copernican systems.He was responsible for some major changes in observation. Unaware, he provided data that would ultimately be the deciding factor in new astronomy.
    To do this he used instruments that were more stable, larger. These aided him in creating a new constant observation system.
    This changed how people saw things because for once they had a constant + more accurate way of getting information in astronomy.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Since Copernicus's theory was only a theory Kepler and Galileo worked to help confirm it. Kepler used math, models and observation. Because of this he wrote about his laws of planetary motion. He published it in 1609. But something that set him back was that he was running on a theory, he didn't have defined proof. This proof would come later from Galileo.
    This helped challenged how people saw things because now there was a book confirming the theories, that people had only dreamed about.
  • Kelper Announces 2 More Planetary Laws.

    Kelper Announces 2 More Planetary Laws.
    2 new laws came from Tycho's data.
    1- The planets move around the sun in an elliptical orbit. One focus of the elipse being the sun.
    2- The planets move in such a way that there is always a constant amount of space + time between them and the sun.
    These two rules changed the way that people saw the world, because finally there were law being proven + built off of one another to create laws that were the closest to the truth as possible. People could see this and to get them to the truth
  • Novum Organum

    Novum Organum
    Francis Bacon's Novum Organum started out as a rebuttal of Aristotle's Organum, but soon grew to become what we know today as the Scientific Method. After seeing how awful the current scientific method was at getting accurate data, Bacon chose to make his own. This was an extreme and significant change for history, because it meant that people were able to finally get to the solution of things, and didn't rely on thoughts and opinions.
  • Novum Organum cont.

    This Novum Organum challenged the way that people saw everything. It helped scientists improved the way that they were getting data, and was so influential that we still use his scientific process today in classrooms, science labs and day to day activities.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    After hearing about a dutch device that made objects that were far away appear closer, he built his own device. A telescope. With this he was able to obverse things that no one had ever seen before. Like mountains and valleys on the moon. Or moon curlicuing Jupiter. He ended up publishing his theories. But Church scholar discovered, because it seemed to contract the bible.
  • Galileo Galilie cont.

    Galileo's creation was just another thing that pushed the scientific revolution over. With it you could see things you have never before. We can see how much that this impacted people, because it helped prove a theory, and helped people figure out how everything works. With this people's ideas could finally change. They could see for themselves that the geocentric theory was wrong and the heliocentric theory was right.
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    After seeing what Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo had published be wrote a book that built off of them. He showed what they had not. He figured out why the planets moved as they do. He proved that there was a thing called universal gravitation. It said that all bodies are attracted to one another. He also helped to explain the laws of motion. He then tied together the movement of all things in space and on earth. Thighs was so revolutionary because it changed the way people viewed the world.
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek**

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek**
    With the use the newly invented microscope, Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria. Of course though it wasn't called this first off. It was called "animalcules". (named by Leeuwenhoek" This challenged how people thought because those who were skeptical of all these new inventions got proof of what they could do. This is important also because the new instruments were getting used more and more. (Like proof that things are evolving in the science world)
  • Little Work Done in chemistry.

    Little Work Done in  chemistry.
    Even with all the revolutions that were taking place around. There were very little in the chemistry field; This is because there were already things in place that made up the "framework" of the field. There was little knowledge to be built, and most scientists din't question the tradition four elements.
    This is important because there was still work to be done to get the most accurate ways to figure things out in chemistry.
  • The finding of Oxegyn

    The finding of Oxegyn
    In 1774, an English chemist by the name of Joseph Priestly, discovered the element of Oxygen. He found Oxygen because he was trying to figure out how things burned, and originally called it dephlogisticated air. This was because it helped combustion.
    This find is important because it set in motion for people that you could find elematns in your home.
  • Newton's Work: A Contribution

    Newton's Work: A Contribution
    Two of Newton's published works the Principia and Opticks were pathways for people in the 1800s and 1900s. Opticks was mainly influential the science side of things, where as the Principia was more influential on the math side..
    This is importunate because along with the telescope, things that were happening in the past finally were beginning to have an affect on the future. Once again seeing this might have guided others to focus on some of the past things, and maybe on future science.