Scientific revolution

  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543

    Nicolas Copernicus

    He was born in Turun Poland in Febuary 19,1473-1543. He was one of the first scientist to place the sun at the center of the universe. He established Copernicus's theory wich also had planets moving in circular movements.
  • Period: Nov 11, 1493 to Sep 24, 1541


    German-Swiss alchemist who believed chemistry had a place in medicine. Created a description of syphilis. Helped the idea that perhaps all the ideas brought up fit in one specific way.
  • Period: 1514 to 1564

    Adreas vesaluis

    Physician from Brussels who used medicine depending on the human bosy. He made this discovery by dissecting the human body and taking note of it. This led people away from the traditional view of 4 biles.
  • Period: Dec 14, 1546 to

    Tycho Brahe

    Danish astronomer who developed an accurate way to find the locations of stars. He helped create tools wich would later help other scientific astronomers.
  • Period: Jan 22, 1561 to

    Francis Bacon

    English philosopher and writer who wrote many convincing essays. He also attempted to establish a proper system to rule over a nation. This might cause potential conflict with Monarchs and support from parliament.
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    Italian philosopher astronomer and mathematician who made many contributions to calculations of motion. He believed experimentation was the basis for science. He helped astronomers with his discoveries and led the way for Copernicus's ideas.
  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to

    Johannes kepler

    German astronomer who established three laws Pertaining to how planets move. He defined the universe as moving due to the sun. This led the way for sir Isaak Newton and other astronomers as a problem they had to address in their theories.
  • Period: Apr 1, 1578 to

    William Harvey

    English physician who discovered the circulation of blood. He also took note of this. This shot down the traditional beliefs in 4 biles.
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    Rene descartes

    French mathematician and philosopher who first turned from the aristotelian philosophy. He theorized that there was the mind and physical state measured by observations. This started the questioning of beliefs initiating the scientific revolution.
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    Margaret Lucas Cavendish

    English Woman who had multiple ideas similar to David Hume. She also included many principals of naturalism. She helped spark many new ideas not seen from Women at the time.
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    Robert Boyle

    Irish philosopher who led many experiments in various fields. He was one of the few scientists to contribute to Christianity. This helped people attempt to relate the discoveries to God.
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    Anne Conway

    English woman who had influence on current philosophers. She also published a book stating her beliefs on the system of God Jesus and humans. This is important because women are beginning to recieve more schooling and provides another theological viewpoint.
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    John Locke

    English philosopher who had the idea of a government In wich the people are listened. He also had many theories similar to other scientist. This led to a need for a change in the government.
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    Anton Van Leewenhoek

    Ditch microscopist who discovered bacteria. He also began studies on small animals. This line term led to the idea that tiny creatures existed.
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    Isaak Newton

    English physicist and mathematician who came up with multiple theorys used today such as the 3 law of motion. He also helped establish calculus making him one of the greatest minds of the scientific revolution.
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    Pierre Bayle

    French philosopher who published the historical and critical dictionary were he went against orthodox beliefs. He was then persucated by the Catholic church. This caused an uprising because the church went against him.
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    David Hume

    Scottish philosopher and economist responsible for empiricism and skepticism. He also creat a book on the origin of ideas. This could of influenced many people into having more faith/understanding of the new sciences presented.