Tycho Brahe's New Star
Cassiopeiae is a star that Tycho Brahe discovered. This transpired against the catholic church's faiths. The church assumed that living on Earth came with knowing everything throughout, which meant that Tycho Brahe's discovery was undermined and dismissed. -
Compound Micropcope
In 1590, Zacharias Janssen manufactured the compound microscope with the cooperation of his sibling Hans Janssen. The compound microscope was; invented to magnify objects and to receive a more precise observation. This demonstrates a paradigm shift; because before the compound microscope was created, scientists didn't secure a satisfactory view of what they were examining or scrutinizing. -
Giordano Bruno Burned at the Stake
Giordano Bruno was executed because he promoted the heliocentric theory. He also concluded that Earth was one of many realms. Giordano was ignited by; the Roman Inquisition. This befell because of his unorthodox views and perceptions. -
Johannes Kepler 1st Law of Planetary Motion
Johannes Kepler designed three planetary motion laws. The first law was issued in 1609. This law pronounced that the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits. -
Robert Hooke's Labeling of "Cells"
In 1660, Robert Hooke inspected a portion of a cork. During this, he noticed miniature box-shaped models. They evoked him of monasteries, small rooms, which is why he marked these fabrications as cells. -
The Discovery of Gravity
Sir Issac Newton discovered the concept of gravity. It is told that Issac Newton began questioning gravitational pull after a possible apple toppled on his head. This distinction is yet another paradigm shift. We are surrounded by gravity all the time. When gravity's purpose was addressed, it changed all perspectives and questioning. -
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Discovery of Oxygen
In 1772, Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered; and titled Oxygen. He elucidated a century's enigma of why something lights and how it burns. Carl Scheele warmed potassium nitrate, mercuric oxide, which leads to the concentration of Oxygen. In 1774 Joseph Priestley discovered a different way of observing Oxygen. This method was obtained; by the decomposition of mercuric oxide. -
DNA Identified
Swiss chemist Johann Friedrick Miescher evolved DNA. Johann Friedrick aimed to find pivotal; segments of white blood organisms. When trying to investigate the components, he quarantined a molecule, nuclein, from a cell nucleus. -
Invention of Penicillin
Alexander Fleming uncovered the antibiotic penicillin. Penicillin is an antibiotic to manipulate reactions and infections. Penicillin is essential because it was the original antibiotic to tackle extreme reactions to germs. -
The Invention of PCR
The invention of PCR; was created by Kary Mullis. PCR stands for a polymerase chain reaction. The polymerase chain reaction is a technique to clone DNA samples and find diseases and genetic issues.