Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Lifetime of Nicolas Copernicus
Period: Nov 12, 1501 to Nov 12, 1503
Copernicus Studied at the University of Padua
Copernicus studied medicine at this University. His education shaped his study of science leading to his study of astronomy which shaped the study of the solar system among his contemporaries and successors. -
Jan 1, 1543
De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium (On the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs)
Copernicus published it in 1543. Its main siginifance is that in it he outlined the heliocentric theory, offering it as an alterniative to the geocentric theory. This led to research by others fueling the Scientific Revolution. image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolaus_Copernicus -
Nov 13, 1543
He liked anoatomy and wanted to learn on the position of organs in the human body. In 1543 he was given permission to publicly disect a human body. He used this information to revolutionize the study of anatomy. Overtime after this people were eventually able to disect human bodies in order to fullful their desore to know more about them. Image: http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/pics/Vesalius.jpg -
Period: Dec 14, 1546 to
Lifetime of Tycho Brahe
Period: Jan 22, 1561 to
Lifetime of Francis Bacon
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Lifetime of Galileo Galilei
Period: Dec 27, 1571 to
Lifetime of Johannes Kepler
Nov 11, 1572
Crab Nebula discovered by Brahe
Brahe saw a very bright star in the sky in a place where it had not been seen before. the emergence of this new star and how it appeared to get brighter, fade, and change color led him to devoting his life to astronomy. This dedication to astronomy allowed for a great deal of useful scientific data to be discovered, so much more could be learned about the solar system. Image:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Tycho_Brahe.JPG/250px-Tycho_Brahe.JPG -
Nov 12, 1577
1577 new comet discovered by Brahe
Brahe discovered this comet and used tools he invented to discover and chart its path. He discovered that it was farther away than the moon, disproving the theory of Aristotle, that comets were the result of the burning of gases within the atmosphere. New discoveries like this one led to people doubting old ideas and wanting proof. Image:http://www.seasky.org/solar-system/assets/images/comet01.jpg -
Period: to
Lifetime of Rene Descartes
Giordano Bruno burnt
He was a mathmetician, philosopher, friar, and most importantly an atronomer. He supported the heliocentric Copernican model, and suggested the sun was a star. He was tried and burned because he refused to recant his beliefs which went against church doctrines. Many other scientists of the time where persecuted by the Church because the new discoveries threaetened their power by going against their teachings. Image: http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/images/bruno.jpg -
Galileo wrote a letter to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, Christina
An essay written by Galileo in which he defends the Copernican heliocentric theory. He also explains the relationship between the church and religion, justifying his actions. This essay is significant because many new thinkers were persecuted because their ideas went against the Church. Galileo did not want to anger the Church but wanted to continue his worrk. However, he landed up being banned. -
One of the laws of Planetary Motion
An equal area of the plane is covered in equal time by planet revolving around the Sun. (or the period of revolution around the Sun is proportional to distance from the Sun.)
Led to support of the eliptical orbit because said the planets were different distances away from the sun at different times so its speed can change. This was all evidence in supporrt of the heliocentric theory,which many refused to aaccept since there was insuficient proof. -
Three Laws of Planetary motion
Published by Kepler. Corrected Copernicus's mistake and recognized the orbits of the planets must be eliptical. Contained data and mathematical proof. *It was supplying some of the much need proof people wanted in order to accept Copernicusus's "radical" heliocentric theory. -
Bacon published Novum Organum
Book published by Bacon in order to explain his logic based off of inductive reasoning leading to the creation of empirical reasoning. It is significant because he was one of the first natural philosophers and this book led to the creation of the scientific method. -
Theory of Induction
Theory created by Bacon. Founded his idea of empiricism. Says in order to acquire knowledge you must experience and learn. Shaped thought of the time because people now felt that knowledge had a practical purpose. Shapes the scientific method. Image: http://www.iep.utm.edu/wp-content/media/bacon-francis1.jpg -
On the Movement of the Heart and the Blood published by William Harvey
English physician who in this treatise explained how the heart was able to pump blood around your body and its circulation. Used mathematical proportions he found to help him estimate data. Led to others wanting to explore the human body more in order to explain gaps in his thought. -
Galileo published the Dialogue on Two World Systems
book published by Gallileo comparing the Ptolemaic and Copernican theories. Led to him being suspected of heresy since he was supporting ideas denounced by the Church. -
Gallileo banned by the Church
he was banned and eventually tried by the Church in the same year because they saw his works and personal interpritations of the Bible as heretical. Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Justus_Sustermans_-_Portrait_of_Galileo_Galilei,_1636.jpg/220px-Justus_Sustermans_-_Portrait_of_Galileo_Galilei,_1636.jpg -
Descartes published Discourse on Method
his philosophical work that outlines his belief in "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think therefore I am). Explains his belief in how you can distinguish humans by their abilty to reason. Outlined his belief in deductive reasoning which shaped the thouhgt of others around him. -
Theory of Deduction
System of logic created by Descartes in which you can achieve knowledge by basing you logic on facts you know to be true. (differs from theory of induction) Led to rationalism. -
Galileo published Discourse on Two New Sciences
his final book. About his research and advancements enountered in physics. Picks up using same characters from his "Dialogue" (1632)He wanted to express his final thoughts collectively so had to have it secretly published. -
Period: to
Lifetime of Isaac Newton
Malpighi and Capillaries
Italian doctor who discovered the existence of capillaries building upon ideas Harvey suggested. He also used the microscope a lot in his research. This led to others applying the mmicroscope to more studies and improving it. -
Jean Picard and Mars
French astronomer who measured the dimensions of Earth with fairly good accuracy. Worked to measure the parallax of Mars. This measurement was used to determine the sccale of the solar system. -
Newton's three laws of Motion
1.A body moves in a straight line unless impeded. (Inertia).
2.Every action has equal and opposite reaction.
3.Every body attracts every other body with a force proportional to the distance between.
These laws revolutionized science as the explained why the Copernican theory would work. -
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) published by Newton
Newton published it in an effort to explain gravity and his 3 laws of motion. Applied these principles to Copernicus's heliocentric theory providing proof of its plausabilty of existence. -
Opticks published by Newton
book published by Newton on light and rays. Its significance is that it's full of experiments providing proof.