Jan 1, 1473
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus was an astronomer who developed heliocentricity. It means that the sun is stationary and we revolve around it. He wrote a book that is about astronomy and it is titles "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium." -
Aug 17, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho was a danish astronomer. He has some of the best astronomical observations of his time. Some were made with a naked eye and others were made with a telescope. His assistant Johannes Kepler used his data and created The Laws of Planetary Motion. -
Mar 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Around 1592 Galileo invented the thermoscope which is an old fashion thermometer. He also invented the telescope. In 1586, he wrote a book called The Little Balance (La Billancetta). It described accurate balance to weigh objects in air or water. -
Dec 29, 1571
Johannes Kepler
Johannes was a german mathematician and astronomer. He created the laws about planetary motion as well as improving the telescope. One of his famous books were "Astronomia Nova". -
May 16, 1578
William Harvey
William was a physician. He was the first person to find out about the properties of blood and the circulatory system. There is a hospital named after him as well. A well known work from him is "De Motu Cordis". -
Robert Boyle
Robert was a philospher. He's known for being a founder of the scientific method and modern chemestry. -
Isaac Newton
Well known Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist, mathematician, alcemist, and astronomer. He developed the law of gravity. He wrote "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"