Feb 25, 1551
Erasmus Reinhold
He was a German astronomer. He derived his results from Copernicus' data and planetary models. He published his Prutenic Tables, many astronomers replaced the outdated efforts related with the Alphonsine Tables. Reinhold's efforts were not seriously challenged until Kepler Rudolphine Tables. They were based on Tycho's data and Kepler's new calculation methods. -
Feb 25, 1553
Michael Servetus
He was a religious conviction. He proposed a essential new theory concerning the pulmonary circulation of the blood. This was a theory motivated in part by esoteric theological concern involving the trinity. Servetus was found guilty. He was burned at the steak by the religious former, John Calvin. -
Mar 7, 1577
Comet of 1577
The year of the 'Comet of 1577' was made my Tycho Brahe, and again challenging a central tenet inherited by Aristotle. The celestial spheres were 'solid' perhaps even crystalline. The path of the comet seemed to many astronomers to be above the sphere of the moon. -
Giordano Bruno
Giordano was a Copernican, and albeit philosophical. He was religious rather than techcial. Bruno also disuted form an infinitate universe and a plurality of words. Giordano was burned at the stake. This was for his heritcal opinions. -
Galileo Galliei
Galileo published his findings with delicate Copernican twists. Among his observation, Galileo argued there are numberous stars invisible to the naked eye. He aslo said there were mountains on the moon and four moons circling Jupiter. These observations were made for the most part in 1609. Later in 1610, he observes the phases of Venus. -
Christian Serverin
Christian was Tycho Brahe's assistant, prompts astromomers of the geometrical correspondence of the Ptolemaic, Tychonic, and Copernican models. Longomontanus devises a simple variation on the Tychonic model by retaining Tycho's arrangment. But asserting that the central earth roatated daily, therefore removing that requirement for the sphere of fixed stars. -
Galileo is called before the Inquisition of Rome. He is fervently suspected of heresy for supporting and teaching the Copernicanism hypothesis. After he abjurned, Galileo was placed under house arrest. For the rest of his life his life, visitors, and mail was monitored. While the Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems was placed on the Index of Prohibited Books, Galileo lived to see it translated into Latin. -
Transit of Venus
The first observation of the transit of Venus across the sun is a rare phenomenon. It was used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centeries for determining the distance of the earth to the sun. I was made by the magnificant, briefly- lived Jeremiah Horrocks. Few others offered their observations of this powerful event. The sky conditions were not satisfactory on the continent. -
Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista was an Italian physicist and mathematician. He filled a sealed tube with mercury, the opened end was ingrossed with mercury. The height fell in the tube to a steady level. It left a void above it. The problem was reviewed by a number of members of the Cimento and trials to explain the phenomenon were sent to others outside of Italy. -
Ismaël Boulliau
He published Philolaic Astronomy. This may have been the the most influential work published by Kepler and Newton. The large folio volume is widely cited by promoting associate with Kepler's terrestrial paths. Boullaiu rejected Kepler's particular combination of ideas. They concerned the physical causes of planetary motions. -
Robert Hooke
Robert wrote a letter asking Newton's opinion on the possibility of explaining the motions of the planets on the assumption of inertia. It was also about an attractive power over the sun. This epic exchange of letters led to a legendary series of events. It resluted in Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687).