Scientific Revolutions Timeline

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    Scientific Revolution

    The development of Science....
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    The big proposal that Ptolemy was known for was he had a theories that everything in the universe revolved around the earth. There for the Earth was the center of everything. Even though later proven wrong, is what people believed in because they though, I can feel the Earth moving, therefore it isn't. This theory was what started the chain reaction of the Scientific Revolution and was later why many questioned his theories. This started many studies and an ongoing study of science.
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    Geocentric Model that was Ptolemy's theory.
  • 1482

    Leonardo da Vinci.

     Leonardo da Vinci.
    Leonardo was one of the biggest names that come to mind when you think of the Scientific Revolution. He contributed to varies of research. He changed how people studied and made many revolutionary inventions. He changed how people studied and found research. He changed the history of science by contributing to the start of the Scientific Revolution.
  • 1542

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Vesalius studied anatomy and he mainly learned from the books of Galen but in 1540 he broke this habit and started doing dissections himself. Him dissected animals like dogs, monkeys, or pigs. He then made a book about what he discovered about human anatomy. This was a significant part of the development of medical uses. This changed what people thought of the human body and how they work. It helped people see and really understand what their body does. He was a big part of medical science.
  • 1543

    Nicholas Copernicus

    Nicholas Copernicus
    Heliocentric was Copernicus's theory.
  • 1543

    Nicholas Copernicus

    Nicholas Copernicus
    Copernicus made a very daring theory that would go against the modern understanding of how their universe works. He stated that the Earth is not the center of the universe but is orbiting around the sun and the universe is centered around the sun. This developed many new theories and experiments to prove or not to prove this. He also startled the people as they thought there Earth was not moving because they can't feel it moving. This theory also led to future curiosity in science.
  • Invention of the Telescope

    Invention of the Telescope
    The earliest telescope was invented in 1608 by a German-Dutch man, Hans Lippershey. The telescope made was but nothing more than a refracting telescope, which was very useful for astronomers. It was used by the likes of Galileo Galilei but Galilei was able to later modify it so it could work a little better in 1610. This changed how people could see outer space in a new way and could help studies and new understandings about what's really out there. Now people have an understanding about space.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Kepler was responsible for the discovery of the three laws of planetary motion. He used these three laws to show how the planets move, where they move, and how long it takes them to move. Kepler also made a book about the telescope. He talked about how light makes it work. The book helped the public know how to use them and it changed the pace of studies. The laws helped strengthen Heliocentric. This changed how people studied the universe and it changed how people thought about Heliocentric.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Kepler was directly responsible for the discovery of three law or planetary motion. These laws consisted of how the planets moved, how long it took them to move and where they moved. These laws helped other astronomers discover what really happen in our solar system and what orbits what. He changed how people thought about the universe because he was able to prove and create laws to strengthen the Heliocentric theory.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galilei is most know for supporting Copernicus's theory and using a dutch instrument that we know as the telescopes. He used this to help research Copernicus's theory because he could now look into space. He used the first telescope that Hans Lippershey made and he also modified his own which helped his studies even more. This helped bring new perspective to the world. He now had proof the Earth revolved around the Sun. This made people question why and how this happens which led to experiments.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Bacon was one of the first to specify the importance of results through multiple trials. He wrote a book about this because it shows how multiple trials will get you a more accurate result .Bacon's book changed how other scientists took results. It also changed history by single handily getting more accurate results and getting the right facts.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey was an anatomy scientist. Focused on blood circulation and was the first to understand how the blood is pumped throughout the whole body by the heart. He made many dissections on animals which helped show how this. Once he could see how they it was able to be circulated through the body he made a book called 'Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus'. This helped show people what really happens in their body. This was an early way of how the human body works.
  • René Descartes

    René Descartes
    Descartes was a man that was known for being one of the Leaders of the Scientific Revolution. He advanced math and science. What He put facts behind the Nature of Existence. He used math to help people understand. He had famous quote which was "I think, therefore I am." This means that he is thinking which proves he's alive and learning as he lives. He put facts use science and math behind theories. This changed what people thought because this proved what was right and what was wrong.
  • Gottfried Leibniz

    Gottfried Leibniz
    Leibniz's was was responsible for the Leibniz's notation which was a the use of symbols like dx and dy in math to represent infinite amount of answers. He was known for making calculus notatasions and he published this but overall got his credit given to Isaac Newton. Leibniz made many discoveries that were comparable to Leonardo da Vinci's discoveries. He helped changed how people did math and solved problems and made people think about how math is a lot more then numbers.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Boyle discovered many things but was most known about the relationship between absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system. This means that he was able to find that if you increase the pressure of gas, the gas volume shrinks. This helped find a new study and change how people thought about liquid air and solids. It revolutionized a new type of study and opened more doors of opportunity.
  • Antonio van Leeuwenhoek

    Antonio van Leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek was a revolutionary character. One he was specifically known for was discovering bacteria. He called them animalcules and used a microscope to finds them. This revolutionized a new studies and helped develop new questions. He made people think of new idea of what's on and in everything. It made people wonder and research. He changed the way people thought of science.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Newton was another person show proved Copernicus's Theory right. He was introduced to Galilei's research that Jupiter had moons orbiting around it like we had a moon and how Earth orbited around the Sun and this made him ask why. He also discovered the force of gravity. What triggered this was when he was sitting under an apple tree and he saw an apple fall straight down not diagonally and this is when he started to pursue why this happened and made his laws of motion.