Jan 1, 1543
Start of the Scientific Revolution
Scientist were starting to question Religion because their discoveries contradicted what the teachings of the church said.
There was no exact date when the Revolution started, just the year. -
Jan 1, 1543
On The Fabric of the Human Body
This book written by Andreas Versalius is considered to be the first great modern work of science and biology. -
Period: Jan 1, 1543 to
The Scientific Revolution
Jan 1, 1561
Gabriele Falloppio
Gabriele Falloppio is a scienctist who discoveres the fallopian tubes. -
Galileo Demonstrates Properties of Gravity
Galileo stands on the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and drops a one pound weight and one hundred pound weight. Here both weights hit the ground at the same time. -
Astronomia Nova
Johannes Kepler publishes his work on his first 2 Laws of Motion. They describe how the sun is the center of the galaxy and the planets move eliptical around it. -
Messenger of the Heavens
Galileo publishes this book, in it describing his observations of the moon's surface, and Jupiter's moons. -
Final Law of Planetary Motion
In 1618, Johannes Kepler reveals his 3rd law of planetary motion which describes the form and operation of planetary. -
Rudolphine Tables
Johannes Kepler creates the most accurate astronomical tables of that time. -
Dialogue on the Two Cheif Systems of the Word
Here Galileo publishes his work that refutes the earth is the center of the Universe and that earths physics are no different than spaces. -
Galileo is forced to recant
Galileo is forced to recant and put under house arrest and he is considered a heretic. -
Discourse on Method
Here Rene Descartes publishes his work on deductive reasoning. -
Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relation to Two New Sciences
Galileo publishes this work which describes the 2 new sciences. -
The Barometer
Evangelista Torricelli invents the Barometer which proves that air does have a weight. -
The Air Pump
Otto von Guericke invents the air pump. Here he proves the strength of a vacum by pumping all the air out of his famous "Magdeberg hemispheres". The hemispheres are easily separateble regulalry but under the vacuum could not be parted by two teams of 16 horses. -
Marcello Malpighi
Marcello Malpichi studies capillaries under a microscope to find that blood circulates. -
The Royal Society of London is brought together
The Royal Society brings the best minds of religion to advance science through cooperation. -
Origin of Form and Qualities
Robert Boyle creates his work that sets up the study of matter on the atomic level. -
Theory of Colors
Isaac Newton preposes his theory of Colors to the Royal Society -
On the Motion of Animals
This piece is made by Giovanni Borelli which describes the application of mechanical laws to the human. -
Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica
This is Isaac Newtons famous book which describes the Universe according to the law of gravity.