Science Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Galieo

    In 1609 Galieo created the Telescope
  • Moon spoting

    The first spotting of the moon.
  • First Exposition of Rocket Mechanics

    The British mathematician William Moore publishes Treatise on the Motion of Rockets. This work features the first exposition of rocket mechanics based on Newton's third law of motion.
  • First American-Designed Rocket Reaches Space

    The United States launches its first American-designed rocket. Known as the Wac Corporal, the rocket reaches the edge of space at an altitude of 50 miles after being launched from the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico.
  • The space Group

    NASA is Born
  • Aircraft

    The first aircraft to achive solar orbit.
  • Impact

    First aircraf to have impact on the moon
  • View

    First view of the Earths far side
  • Satelite

    Was when the frist weather satilite in space
  • First Weather Satellite

    Tiros 1, the first successful weather satellite, is launched by the United States. Two television cameras in the satellite returned views of clouds above the Earth. Tiros 1 was only operational for 78 days, but proved that satellites could be useful tools for surveying weather conditions from space.
  • First Man

    The first man that has been in space.
  • Orbit

    First american in orbit
  • First American in orbit

    First American in Orbit Astronaut John H. Glenn was launched into orbit aboard an Atlas D rocket, where he became the first American to orbit the Earth. Glenn made a total of 3 complete orbits, and the flight time was 4 hours and 56 minutes.

    First american spacecraft on the moon.Surveyor 1 became the first American spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon. After a journey of 63 hours and 36 minutes, Surveyor 1 successfully landed only 9 miles off its target in the Oceanus Procellarum. The spacecraft transmitted more than 11,000 high-resolution photographs before its energy sources were depleted
  • First US space Tradgey

    First U.S. Space Tragedy During a routine test of the Apollo 1 spacecraft on the launch pad, a spark caused a fire to start in the crew compartment of the command module. Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee, were killed in this tragic incident. It was later determined that faulty wiring caused the spark, and the pure oxygen environment in the capsule was to blame for the rapid spreading of the blaze
  • First moon orbit

    The Soviet Zond 5 is launched. It becomes the first spacecraft to orbit the Moon and return.
  • Apollo 13 Launch

    Apollo 13 Launch Apollo 13 is launched, suffering an explosion in its SM oxygen tanks. Its Moon landing is aborted, and the entire world watches as James A. Lovell, Jr., John L. Swigert, Jr. and Fred W. Haise, Jr., struggle for days to survive. They return safely to Earth after several harrowing days in space.
  • First U.S. Space Station

    First U.S. Space Station The United States launches Skylab, the first U.S. space station. It will be occupied by three crews and over the next few years will be an important arena for a number of scientific experiments.
  • Voyager 1 Arrives at Saturn

    The Voyager 1 spacecraft arrives at Saturn and begins sending back extraordinary images of the ringed planet and its many moons.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy

    The space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff of mission STS-51L, resulting in the loss of the spacecraft and her seven-member crew. The accident seems especially tragic because of Christa McAuliffe, the first civilian to fly into space. She is part of the Teacher in Space program and was to hold a number of classes for school children while in orbit. The accident is caused by unusually cold temperatures and a faulty O-ring seal in one of the solid rocket boosters. NASA grounds the
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy

    Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy The space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff of mission STS-51L, resulting in the loss of the spacecraft and her seven-member crew. The accident seems especially tragic because of Christa McAuliffe, the first civilian to fly into space. She is part of the Teacher in Space program and was to hold a number of classes for school children while in orbit. The accident is caused by unusually cold temperatures and a faulty O-ring seal in one of the solid
  • Space Shuttle Returns to Flight

    The space shuttle Discovery launches from the Kennedy space center on mission STS-26, marking the shuttle's return to flight two and a half years after the Challenger accident. NASA redesigned the solid rocket boosters to make them safer. They also made a number of changes to operational procedures to prevent the communications breakdown that contributed to the Challenger accident.
  • First female shutter piolet

    Eileen M. Collins becomes the first woman to fly a Space Shuttle on mission STS-63. During the mission, Space Shuttle Discovery maneuvers to within 37 feet of Russian space station Mir, in preparation for a future shuttle-Mir docking.
  • First Skydive Jump to Break the Sound Barrier

    Australian skydiver Felix Baumgartner becomes the first human being to break the sound barrier without a jet or spacecraft as he jumps from the edge of space. A capsule attached to a helium balloon takes him 24 miles up and he sets a new record, breaking the previous record for highest jump set by Joe Kittinger at 19.5 miles in 1960. During his descent, he reaches a top speed of 833 mph (1340 kph).
  • First Spacecraft to Orbit a Comet

    The European Space Agency's Rosetta space probe becomes the first spacecraft to enter orbit around a comet. After a 10-year, 4 billion-mile journey, Rosetta enters orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The spacecraft sends back amazing high-resolution images of the comet's surface showing steep 490-foot (150-meter) cliffs and boulders the size of houses. Rosetta will follow the comet as it approaches the Sun and will provide the first close-up images of as it heats heats up and changes t