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science technology timeline

  • Charles Babbage- First computer

    Charles Babbage- First computer
    in 1812-1813 Charles Babbage came up with the idea to create a mechanical computer that could solve mathamatical equations. in 1823 he started designing the difference engine- but this never got built. during the 1830's Babbage developed new ideas, the analytic engine, which was more compelex than ever before but was never built. Babbages notes were discovered in 19937 and he is said to have invented the first computer.
  • Ada Lovelace- First programmer

    Ada Lovelace- First programmer
    Ada Lovelace was a mathematician that is said to be the first computer programmer. she was friends with Charles Babbage and was asked to help him to make a program for the analytic engine. in 1842 and 1843 she translated french engineer Luigi Menebrea's article on the analytic engine and added many of her own, detailed, notes. in these notes the algorithms that made her famous are written. her programming was never tested on Babbages computer because it was never built.
  • Alexander Graham Bell- Phone

    Alexander Graham Bell- Phone
    Alexander Graham Bell was first a teacher, but while pursuing his career he started researching a way to transmit the human voice over a single wire. he found a way to transmit musical tones and after that it was a short step to transmit the human voice. on february 14 1876 Bell got the first patent for the phone- two hours before another man, Elisha Grey. this started a patent-war that Bell eventually won. on march 10 1876 he prduced the first intelligeble sound.
  • Douglas Engelbart- Computer mouse

    Douglas Engelbart- Computer mouse
    Douglas Engelbart went to a computer conference, while he was there he noticed that computers were difficult for many to use because you had to write in code and commands to be able to make things happen on the computer screen. he wanted to make computers easier for everyone to use so he invented to computer mouse. it had one vertical and one horizontal wheel. this made it possible to place the cursor on the screen. Engelbart and his company requested a patent in 1967 and it was granted in 1970.
  • Shiva Ayyadurai- Email

    Shiva Ayyadurai- Email
    the question about who invented email has become a hard question to answer. some mean that the american engineer Ray Tomlinson invented email in 1971 in cambridge. others mean that Shiva Ayyadurai(14 at the time) invented the computer program in 1978 when requested to invent a way to translate the conventional paper-based mail at the time to an electronic communication system. Ayyadurai is fighting to get the full credit for creating email.
  • Larry Page & Sergey Brin- Google

    Larry Page & Sergey Brin- Google
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin first met in 1995 in their collage (Stanford University). the next year they started a partnership where they built a search engine that used links that showed the most important individual pages on the World Wide Web. the name was originally Backrub but was later changed to Google. in august 1998 Page and Brin got a check with $100,000 and Google Inc. was born.
  • Jaap Haartsen- Bluetooth

    Jaap Haartsen- Bluetooth
    in 1989 the cheif technology officer of the swedish company Ericson Mobile, Nils Rydbeck together with johan Ullman requested two commisoned engineers at the company (Jaap Haartsen and Sven Mattiasson) to invent a device that could transmitt signals between personal computers to a wireless headset. in 2000 the first phone with bluetooth technology got put on the market, after this the bluetooth technology has been getting more advanced and developed.
  • Steve Jobs- Iphone

    Steve Jobs- Iphone
    Steve Jobs first computer job was at Atari where he met his future coworker Steve Wozniak. they started selling personal computers, but in 1985 Wozniak left Apple and a year later Jobs left as well. Jobs raturned to the company in 1996 when Apple was almost bankrupt and started designing new devices like ipods, ipads and iphones. in 2007 the first iphone was released which was a revolutionary invention.