Science Space exploration

By ck18319
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    Early Space Exploartion

  • Fruit Flies in space

    The first animals were launched into space. Fruit flies were used to study the effects of space travel on animals.
  • First Monkey in space

    Albert 2, was the first monkey in space. He was a Rhesus monkey, a type of monkey that originally comes from Asia.
  • Sputnik

    The U.S.S.R. launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satillite to orbit the world.
  • First animal in space

    Laika was the first animal ever sent to space, rode in orbit Sputnik 2.
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    Middle years of Space Exploration

  • First American to orbit Earth

    John Glenn became the first american to orbit the Earth, completing three orbits.
  • First Space walk

    Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov takes man's first space walk.
  • Mars Flyby

    NASAS Mariner 4 conducts the first Mars flyby, because observers of Mars thought it may have civilization.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon, from Apollo 11 lunar module
  • Salyut

    Russia's salyut-1 the worlds first space station was launched from an unmanned rocket.
  • Fatal Mission

    Three cosmonauts, Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav olkov, and Viktor Patsayev, die during re-entry of their Soyuz 2 spacecraft. A government commission disclosed that the three died 30 minutes before landing because a faulty valve depressurized the spacecraft.
  • Exploring Mars

    A U.S rover named Sojourner explored the surface/ geography of Mars.
  • Voyagers 1 and 2

    America's voyagers 1 and 2 were launched on Sptember 5th, and August 20th. These deep space probs are launched to study the outer solar system.
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    Later Space Exploration

  • Hubble Telescope

    The hubble space telescope was deployed in Earth's orbit by space shuttle discovery.
  • International Space Station

    The international space station was established
  • Living in the international space station

    An American and Russian crew begins living aboard the international space station.
  • U.S messenger Mission

    The U.S messenger mission tro mercury, launched in 2004, begins its year long orbit around Mercury.