Lithium was founded in a mine in brazil by a man called Josh Bonif it was founded by him but the person who founded it to be an element was Johan Arfwedson because he analized the ore and founded that it had certain properties that was founded in sodium and potasium so he founded it as an elements -
beryllium was founded by Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin but disolving aluminium hydroxide and it produced salts but these salts were sweet so he named in berylium -
Helium Founded
Helium was founded. Helium was originaly thoughted to be sodium because in the sky there were lines of yellow thought to be sodium. However the english astronomer -
The chinese founded boron but they didn't know they discovered it but it was officialy discovered Sir Humphry Davy when he put an electric current through what the chinese made and discovered that brown substance came of it and he named it boron. -
Hydrogen Founded
Hydrogen gas was founded during the 16th century by a man named Henry Cavendish, The gas was founded by when he mixed metals with acid and produced hydrogen in its substance state. He named the substace hydrogen because the greek name hydrogen ment water producer and when the substance was burned it produced water.