william harvey
explained how the heart and blood system works -
edward jenner
Made first vactionations for smallpox -
thomas malthus
proposed that the world population would outgrow the food supply. -
louis pastuer
First vaccines for raies and anthrax 1848 -
Richard Owen
studied mammal skeletal system -
florence nightengale
showed that there is chance for incomplete dominance or that some genes will not appear -
charles darwin
evolution theory -
joseph lister
found carbolic acid to be killing and protect new cells growth -
friedrich fustav jakob henle
discover loop of henle in kidneys -
clara barton
made american red cross -
paul ehrlich
vaccine for tetanus -
robert koch
found TB -
sir alexander fleming
found penicillian as a great infection fighting drug -
dr. charles drews
found ways to store blood plasma -
thomas francis, jr.
first to isolate flu also found that there more than one flu -
jonas salk
found cure for polio -
albert sabin
helped find polio cure