• Partial Final Paper (Draft)

    Includes the Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Conceptual Framework, Hypothesis, Methodology, and Bibliography
  • Partial Final Paper

    Includes the Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Conceptual Framework, Hypothesis, Methodology, and Bibliography (with Revisions)
  • Prototype 1

    Making of Bioplastic
  • Prototype 2

    Testing (if possible), Observations
  • Partial Data, Results and Discussion

    Discuss results and observations from Prototype 1 and Prototype 2
  • Prototype 3

    Continuation of making of bioplastic and testing
  • Progress Report 1

  • Progress Report 2*/Prototype 4

  • Progress Report 2*

  • Chapter 4: Data, Results and Analysis

    Results of output will be due
  • Chapter 5: Recommendation and Conclusion

  • Science Fair Panel Board

  • Mock Science Fair Presentation

  • Science Fair Presentation*

  • Science Fair Presentation*

  • Final Paper (Draft)

    Includes the Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Conceptual Framework, Hypothesis, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Recommendation, Conclusion and Bibliography

    Includes the Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Conceptual Framework, Hypothesis, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Recommendation, Conclusion and Bibliography