Major Technological Events

  • 1444

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Johannes Gutenberg was the first one to discover the printing press.
    The invention has contributed to technology and was revolutionary, enabling book production and gave great knowledge throughout Europe. This invention is considered one of the most important inventions of our time. It changed the way society evolved.
  • Thomas Savery

    Thomas Savery
    Thomas Savery is taken into consideration as the inventor of the primary steam-powered device, which is a steam pump that used steam stress running at once at the water. The steam engine helped to strengthen the Industrial Revolution. Before steam strength, maximum factories and turbines had been powered through water, wind, horse, or man. It supplied dependable strength and can be used to strengthen huge machines. At the time it additionally supplied quicker transportation and extra jobs
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    The use of cameras was pioneered by George Eastman (his first camera is called Kodak) The cameras are arguably the greatest invention because Cameras have the ability to see everything. They can see down into the depths of the ocean, and also up, millions of miles into space. they capture moments of time and freeze them for later enjoyment. These devices revolutionized the way people see the world today.
  • Jeff Bezos

    Jeff Bezos
    Jeff Bezos is the creator of the company named Amazon.
    I choose this topic because at the moment Amazon is the largest and most successful retailer in the western world because they built the best customer experience.
    It became a big deal because customers want to pay as little as possible for a product. it is also unique which means that they have a much broader selection of products than almost anybody else it's perfect for people looking for the easiest way to get their products.
  • Larry Page and Sergey Brin

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the founders of Google+ is a organization that specialized in the goods and offerings associated with the Internet, software, digital gadgets and different technologies. I picked this topic due to the fact that everyone uses google these days. for and example people use google to check where they are or how to get to a place (google maps) people also use google to get answers or google up things that they didn't know.
  • Dr. Amit Goffer

    Dr. Amit Goffer
    Dr. Amit Goffer is the creator of the ReWalk exoskeleton. I see it as a excellent inversion because some of my cousins and friends have had to get one of these due to injury's in wars (they live in palestine.) The ReWalk exoskeleton provides powered hip and knee motion which enables individuals with injury's to stand up straight, walk, turn, and being able to climb stairs.
  • Elon Musk Tesla Autopilot

    Elon Musk Tesla Autopilot
    Elon Musk is the founder of the Tesla Autopilot. It is a great invention for all Tesla users. it makes the Tesla safer and more capable over time. The Autopilot can help reduce the number of crashes on the road.
    And self driving vehicles can also help reduce driving errors by humans. The Autopilot is built on a deep neural network. it uses cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar to see the environment around the car. This provides awareness of their surroundings that a driver could not see.
  • Nissan Elimelech

    Nissan Elimelech
    Augmedics Xvision is an augmented reality headset that runs CT scans into 3D visualization to guide spine surgeons through operations. This device allows surgeons to "see" the patient's anatomy through skin and tissue as if they have "x-ray vision," and to navigate instruments and implants during spine procedures accurately. Basically, this invention minimizes the risks of doing these types of operations and will increase the success rate. it is a perfect invention for spine surgeons.