Isaac Newton: (1) Newton's Three Laws of Motion, (2) the Theory of Universal Gravitation, and (3) the demonstration that Kepler's Laws follow from the Law of Gravitation.
Pierre Simon: lunar acceleration depends on the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit. Although the mean motion of the Moon around the Earth depends mainly on the gravitational attraction between them, it is diminished by the pull of the Sun on Moon.
William Herschel: discovered the planet Uranus, hypothesized that nebulae are composed of stars, and developed a theory of stellar evolution.
percival lowell - discovery of canals and oases on Mars.
Einstien - Theory of Relativity
Henrietta Leavitt: determine distances of stars from a mere one hundred light years to ten million light years
Harlow Shapley: who deduced that the Sun lies near the central plane of the Galaxy some 30,000 light-years away from the centre.
Willem de Sitter- motions of Jupiter’s four great Galilean satellites in order to determine their masses.
Hubble published a standard classification system to use for the galaxies.
Georges Lemaître - first definitive formulation of the idea of an expanding universe and what was to become known as the Big Bang theory
Fred Hoyle - ontribution to the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, and his often controversial stance on other cosmological and scientific matters, such as his rejection of the Big Bang theory
arno penzias and robert wilson - Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation