Jan 1, 600
Hipparchus(600BC) is an astronomer from ancient Greece. Widely believed to be the greatest astronomer of antiquity, Hipparchus can easily be viewed as a sort of founding father of astronomy. His most important contribution to the field was the first known star catalogue about the solar system and the stars in the Milky Way, which historians think he was inspired to construct after viewing a supernova. This star catalogue was later used extensively by Ptolemy in his astronomical observations. -
Period: Feb 15, 1000 to
Astronomers timeline
Jan 1, 1513
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus objected the geocentric theory, which was the Earth in the middle of the universe, and proposed that the heliocentric was the correct answer. (The day and month is unknown) -
Johannes Kepler
Kepler was a German astronomer and was the first to fully explain the motion of the planets of our solar system. He described their motion with three laws, which he published in 1609 AD. What allowed him to basically unlock the mystery was to imagine the planets as having elliptical orbits rather than circular ones, which is how other astronomers would view the solar system. In fact, his first law of planetary motion is the simple statement that planets travel in ellipses. -
Gallileo Galilei Discovery
Galileo Galilei discovered with his telescopes that the Earth was not flat and the Sun and other planets did not revolve arond it. -
Edmond Halley - Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley discovered a comet that revolved around the Sun and did lots of discoveries on it. After he publicly told everyone it would come back in 1758, it really came back so people named the comet after him. -
Isaac Newton discovers how the tides of the Earth works
It was while he was on a break from Cambridge that Newton started thinking about gravity. Scientists already knew such a force existed, but Newton found the formula to describe how much force any two bodies will exert on each other. Then, he found out that gravity effected the tides because he was trying to provve his theory that his formula was correct. -
Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble, who did most of his major work in the first half of the twentieth century, had perhaps the most momentous discoveries. Hubble is credited with discovering galaxies outside of our own Milky Way. Although the race to solve this mystery had contributions from many different scientists, it was Hubble’s observations through the Hooker telescope, around the year 1923, that proved to the scientific community that there was more to outer space than the stars. -
Stephen Hawking - Black Holes
Stephen Hawking found out about black holes, which led to a larger understanding of the universe.