Christopher Latham Sholes
Christopher Latham Sholes developed the second typewriter. It was a newspaper publisher and he made it to make it easier to write, even more so than the first one. -
Alexander Graham Bell
The telephone, an invention of Alexander Graham Bell, has turned out to be one of the greatest inventions ever made. Thanks to him, today we have an easy way to communicate remotely, except that the telephone could evolve into the mobile phone, which is used for much more than just communication. -
Maria Beasley
I have chosen the life raft because it is an invention that has a very important utility, preventing people from drowning or being in the water after a possible boat accident... -
Guillermo Marconi
I think that the radio has also been another of the greatest inventions ever made. Without it it would not be possible to know what was happening in the world. Thanks to the radio, we have TVs, which are a kind of radio, but you can see what they tell you. -
Carl Benz
Thanks to Carl Benz's invention, we were able to move without needing to exploit living beings, such as horses. This motor car was a breakthrough. -
George Eastman
The invention of the first Kodak camera by George Eastman is very important. Thanks to her it was much easier to record moments. -
Josephine Cochrane
I have chosen Josephine Cochrane because her invention has been very important and useful. The dishwasher is used to this day and helps thousands of people. -
Mary Anderson
Mary Anderson and her invention of windshield wipers could make driving any vehicle much easier and safer. -
Melitta Bentz
Melitta Bentz made making coffee so much easier. Coffee is something that many people drink, and making it easier helps a lot. -
Ruth Graves Wakefield
Ruth Graves Wakefield made the recipe for the cookie, a very popular and quite delicious cookie, and that made me choose it.