Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Apr 4, 1510
Nicolaus Copernicus and his theory of heliocentric universe
During the time between 1510-1514 Nicolaus Copernicus began studying astronomy on his own (www.plato.stanford.edu).
While studying astronomy he used the theories from both Ptolemy and Aristotle, to map out the solar system mathematically (Craig 678-679).
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Jul 1, 1572
Tycho Brahe discovers a supernova star
Tycho Brahe studied the stars and planets. In 1572 Brahe noticed a supernova in the constellation Cassiopeia.
His findings helped him to publish His book De Stella Nova (www./burro.cwru.edu). -the month and date is not accurate -
Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
Hans Lippershey (1608) created the telescope that helped advance science. In 1608 Lippershey was the first to apply for a patent for the telescope (The Great Scientists, vol. 7, p. 162; Travers, Bridget, ed. World of Invention, pp. 618-19.). -the month and date is not accurate -
Johannes Kepler solves the motion theory of the planets
(1609) Johannes Kepler published his findings in a book "On the Motion of Mars" that the universe was sun centered.
He used both Copernicus and Brahe's empirical data to show that the plants travel in an elliptical orbit (Craig, 679). -the month and date is not accurate -
Galileo Galilei discovers mountains on the moon and spots on the sun
Galileo Galilei (1609) discovered spots on the sun and mountains on the moon through his telescope. He later took his findings and published "Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World (Craig 680) -the month and date is not accurate -the month and date is not accurate -
Rene' Descartes introduces the world to analytical geometery
Rene DescartesRene'
Descartes was a French philsopher that began studying mathematics after meeting Isaac Beeckman. Descartes curosity for both physics and mathematics lead to his discovery of analytical geometery (www.newworldencyclopedia.org). -
Antony van Leeuwenhoek discovers microscopic organisms
Although Antony van Leeuwenhoek was not considered a scientist during his time, his obsession with the microscope helped scientist discover a new world.
In 1674 Leeuwenhoek discovered tiny organisms called protists that introduced scientist to microrganisms (http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu). -
Issac Newton brings gravity into perspective
Issac Newton publishes his discoveries regarding the laws of graivty. He published "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", that was a reflection on his thoughts concerning math and how it applies to natural sciences (Craig 682-683) -the month and date is not accurate