Cg kycquyaaunh5

Science (1750-1820)

By roroj32
  • Benjamin Franklin: Lightning is electrical

    Benjamin Franklin: Lightning is electrical
  • Priestly isolates oxygen

    Priestly isolates oxygen
  • Antoine Lavoisier: law of conservation of mass, basis for chemistry, and the beginning of modern chemistry

    Antoine Lavoisier: law of conservation of mass, basis for chemistry, and the beginning of modern chemistry
  • Hanaoka Seishū: develops general anaesthesia

    Hanaoka Seishū: develops general anaesthesia
  • Alessandro Volta discovers electrochemical series and invents the battery

    Alessandro Volta discovers electrochemical series and invents the battery
  • William Herschel discovers infrared radiation

    William Herschel discovers infrared radiation
  • John Dalton Proposed an ‘atomic theory”

    John Dalton Proposed an ‘atomic theory”
  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin is born
  • Napoleon's surgeon, Baron Larrey, develops painless amputation.

    Napoleon's surgeon, Baron Larrey, develops painless amputation.
  • Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that a current passed through a wire will deflect the needle of a compass, establishing a deep relationship between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism)

    Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that a current passed through a wire will deflect the needle of a compass, establishing a deep relationship between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism)